The annoyance of waking up is unbearable when it comes to school. Now if it was waking up for the weekend, that wouldn't be so bad, but today is the first day of school. My new-ish high school that I'm going to, that means some old people I know and a crap load of people I don't know. Which me and new people, not too good. But I'll get through it, eventually.
Rolling out of my bed I get up to find my TV still on, oops. I forgot to turn it off last night, walking over I cut the power to the screen and it goes blank. Heading toward my closet I grab my black converse, light blue long sleeved galaxy shirt, black beanie, ripped black skinny's and my choker necklace with a turquoise stone pendant. Sighing I stoop low to grab my new Vans backpack, which is filled with all those school supplies everyone has to get every single year. Going to the bathroom I see that it is closed, well, he's up early. Giving a small knock on the door a low groan comes from the other side.
"What Rose..?" he complains, he being my older brother, Nyle. The 18 year old that knows how to make things fun for almost everyone, but if you get on his bad side, your in for a bad ride. I take those a few days a week, but hopefully he is learning how to hold in his big boy tempertantums he has.
"I need to use the bathroom sir!" I say kicking the door lightly, he lets out a heavy sigh and opens the door. His dirty blonde hair all messed up, with a few prickles from his mustache coming into view. I shake my head at his sight, he was having too much fun last night. Whatever he was doing, for he comes and he goes, in the house then out again.
"Fine, just don't take too long.." he says shrugging off to his room, I roll my eyes at his words. I don't take long, psh. Brushing the teeth, applying some foundation, and giving a small outline to my bright blue eyes. And thats all I had to do, tck, brothers. You can either hate them or love them. Going over to his door I kick it meaning, I'm done. With that message giving I head downstairs, I see the back of the slightly balding head of my father. He turns around and gives me a small smile, I give the same in return.
"Ready for today?" he asks, trying to be that parent every single year that attempt to get there child happy for school. I raise my shoulders then they go back down.
"I don't know, I'm eh, it's to early to decide.." I reply grabbing a cinnamon and sugar Poptart. Heading for the door I stop and peek at the couch, seeing my mom deep in sleep. Must have had a lot of patients last nights, or a lot of shifts she needed to fill. I give a more real smile to her, she always worked so hard and she still knows how to make everyone feel loved.
Looking out the window I see the yellow colored vehicle come up to our corner, I skip out the door and get on. Now, I'm in pubic. That means someone much different, someone who's quiet, someone who is scared. Not my real self. I slide into a seat and pull out my headphones, checking my phone I sigh. It's 7:35, which means school starts at 8. Scrolling through my playlist I find my band. Pierce the Veil. Yeah, yeah, I know kiddish when it comes to the whole 'heavy metal' genre but people don't know what they did to me. They helped me through thick and thin, and still are..
Leaning against the window I fall asleep, listening to 'Disasterology'.
✧ ✧ ✧
Coming to a slow stop and the sound of everyone getting up I know that we are at school. Great, ready for my first day in hell, once again.. I thought. Standing up everyone rushes past not giving me a chance to get into the isle. Sighing I rest my head against my shoulder and wait till everyone was off, then I finally got off as well. Walking on the side walk I see the rainbow of clothing, everyone was wearing really nice clothes, some girls even wore dresses and high heels. I cringe at that thought, I looked down at myself, what will I be labeled? Probably skater, emo, and weirdo that was almost everyone's favorite.

Stars in the Darkness
Fanfiction-Kyle David Hall Fanfiction- Rose Aster, or more commonly known as Rosalina. A girl with a broad imagination as far as the galaxies go in her universe. But her universe is very dark, with an unfaithful father, hardworking mother and an older either...