It's been over a year since I've seen her. We broke up around June, dealing with YouTube and a relationship, she wasn't buying it at all..
She is always the center of attention, anywhere and at anytime.
I dare not to look at her, Alexandra. My ex, she is one of the worst things that happened to me. She caused me so much pain, she made me go through hell and back. Surprised I'm still alive after what she did to me.
Now she is going to do it again. I just know it..
Entering our room it's quiet, we sit there in pure silence. The only sound to be heard is the ticking clock behind me, it just keeps going.
It's maddening.
I feel like something is going to explode or get let loose. Something, that can't be easily tamed or destroyed.
"Kyle," she starts out, my eyes are on the ground, that's where they will only be, "babe, come'on, look up at me.."
Shaking my head, I pull my legs close to me. I don't want to look at her, especially now.
"Don't call me that.." I mumble, she lets out an annoyed huff of air, she knows how much I hate being called that, while we were dating and now that we aren't together.
"Oh, sorry," she stands up out of her chair, the sound of her platforms come to my ears, she's walking over toward me.
Stay away.
Stay away from me!
Her footsteps sound like thunder cracking in a heavy storm, loud and shattering to anyone who is close enough. Especially to those who are afraid and easily broken.
"Kyle, Kyle.." She hums circling around me, the swish of her constant and repeated walking makes me start to feel closed. Closed inside a box.
A box with no windows or holes, only the sounds that are inside and outside. Both equally loud.
Both equally torturing.
"How's the new girlfriend, I heard she had some fun with you, Riley and Jordan. Seems like an unworthy girlfriend if you ask me."
"Well nobody did Alexandra." I butt it, she lets out a smirk, continuing to walk around me.
"Well, I'm just giving my," she clicks her tongue thinking of the work, "opinion, Kyle, is that too much to ask.." She runs her fingers on my back, I shiver at this sudden action. I can feel her nails, they are sharp..
"No.." I mumble, she stands in front of me and knees down before. She meets my eyes.
"Good, cause I was worried, I never though I'd see your brown eyes again, still are hypnotic and charming as always.." She smiles and starts to pull my chin down. I push her away, her back hits the chair she was originally sitting it.
"Why did you do that?!" She whines, I shake my head. All she is doing is making me relive memories that I wish could go away, permanently!
"Because I don't care about you anymore! You've moved on! To Riley! I've moved on! Why do you keep coming back!" I yell at her, she smiles and like a snake, she slides up to my legs and rests her arms on them.
"Well, I'm sure you haven't forgotten about that.." My eyes widen, why did she have to bring that up..
Out of all things.
The time that she almost made me have, you know what, with her. She told me to come over too chill and watch a movie. But it wasn't that type of movie, she wanted to make her own movie and by her script too.
Where I'd follow her requests, and do what she wanted. She didn't care what I felt, not one bit, but all the times before I followed and did what she commanded me, now I'm not going to listen or follow.
I'm not following her.
I'm following Rosalina, and she respects me and my opinion.
She makes me feel loved.
"So, that was your actions, I wanted nothing with that."
"But, I did get you to take your shirt off," she tugs at the hem of my shirt, trying to get it off again, "come on, please, just this once," she says quietly, being seductive one hundred percent.
"No," her hands go under my shirt, she lays her hand on my chest, her warm hands against my cold chest, "Alexandra, stop."
"Kyle, I know-"
"You know absolutely nothing about me!" I scream, standing up she falls face first on the chair seat.
"You heard me! You don't know anything about me! All you've ever cared was yourself! Me! Me! Me! You don't even know my freaking favorite color is!"
"Yes I do! It's red!"
"No! See you don't even know the basics! How the hell did we spend almost a year together?!" Her face starts to red with rage, she is going to blow up soon, but I'm already exploded. She is going to get hit with a shock wave. Really hard.
"You never cared about me! All you wanted was attention! I gave that too you! But that wasn't enough, you wanted things that I was, and still, aren't comfortable with! Sex doesn't define a relationship between teenagers! It's not a need in a relationship, especially this young!" I feel my throat starts to get dry, I haven't yelled like this in such a long time.
I don't think I ever have.
"Kyle, what are you saying.." Her face is so confused right now, but that's good. She is hearing what she has to hear.
She needs the truth.
"I'm opening my mouth Alexandra! I'm letting you know what you should have known a long time ago! You treated me like a piece of shit! You made me feel worthless and always on the bottom!"
"Kyle.. I didn't know-"
"Because you were, and still are, too self absorbed! Alexandra! Riley probably doesn't even treat you right.." I mutter, she shakes her head.
"Riley treats me better than you ever did!" She's defending him? Why?
"Oh, because you let him have a b-job?" I snap at her, she opens her mouth but closes. She knows I'm right.
She knows I'm on top right now.
"That means a lot Alexandra! You need to learn about other people! You have to learn to love others!" I'm meet a black object to my jaw, she threw her platform shoes. That hurt.
Really badly.
Who knew shoes could be weapons of mass destruction.
"Shut up Kyle!" She screams, tears coming to her eyes. Standing up she lunges at me, I raise my arms and prepare for slaps and cat nails clawing at me.
"Don't you dare touch him again! You little brat!" The voice screams from the speakers.
Alexandra stands still, her hands only inches away from me. She draws back and sits down. Letting out a heavy sigh, I catch my own breath.
Thank you.

Stars in the Darkness
Fanfiction-Kyle David Hall Fanfiction- Rose Aster, or more commonly known as Rosalina. A girl with a broad imagination as far as the galaxies go in her universe. But her universe is very dark, with an unfaithful father, hardworking mother and an older either...