Chapter 3- Revenge

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

I hope you like this chapter!

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Amara Thorne

6 weeks later

I am lying on my bed and stare at the wall. In the past few weeks, I have done hardly anything but think about my life and what my next step will be. My mind is honestly scaring me, and the deep thoughts are almost unbearable.

It is like I am searching for a solution when I do not know what my problem is. I have always felt like something in my life is missing and this feeling gets stronger every day, but I do not know what this thing is. This mansion just does not feel like home.

Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate on my bedside table, and I grab it to look who is calling me. A smile spreads over my face when I see the name of the caller as I know exactly what he is going to tell me. I take the call and Ayden's voice sounds through the phone and immediately my assumption is confirmed. 

I end the call and get up from the bed. I pull on some black jeans and tie my gun around my thigh. I change my white top for a black tight long-sleeved shirt. Then I throw a leather jacket over and put my hair into a high ponytail. I take a look into the mirror and smile. 

The day is finally getting better.

I leave my room and walk down the corridor. I take the elevator to get to the basement and when I am there, the man who called me before is already waiting for me.

Ayden Brown's deep voice greets me, and he opens the door behind him to lead me into the room. It is quite dark in there, only a very weak light shines down from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Directly below I see a figure who is tied to a chair with the back facing me.

I step closer and circle the chair to look the man into the eyes. I smile at the sight in front of me. Weeks he hid in the hope that I would not find him, but Ayden, my father's right hand, found him on my orders and now I am here to make sure that he gets what he deserves.

Carlos Mendez is the head of one of the largest Mexican drug cartels and a few years ago this piece of shit came pleading to my father to get his help because an enemy threatened his empire and my mafia decided to give him this help. Of course, we had slight advantages too, but the alliance did not really make that big of a difference, since we are the strongest along with the Italian mafia anyway. There was only one condition, and that was that they would not traffic human beings or involve innocents in their business and harm them. Of course, I instructed people to watch him and his men and through that I found out that this disgusting piece of shit forced women and small children to prostitution and let them get raped by his men in the house where most of the members of the cartel live.

Just the thought of what these innocents had to go through almost makes me vomit and my blood starts to boil. The second I found out what Carlos and his followers had done, I knew what I was going to do and how I will punish these disgusting acts. I sent Ayden and some of my men to their hiding place, where they hid because they found out that I knew about what they had done and then I arranged for the innocent to be rescued and Carlos to be captured. The others were burned alive by my men and now they can continue to burn in hell where they get what they deserve.

Now I'll just torture Carlos a little and then he can follow his men there.

Blood is trickling down his face and he looks up to see I am standing in front of him. He looks like he is about to piss his pants.

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