Chapter 23- Dance

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.


Amara Thorne

Adriano leads me to the dance floor, all eyes on us and I always have my eyes on him.

We stand across from each other and I take a deep breath as I look into his grey eyes. Adriano brings me closer to him and puts his free hand on my back. He is so close to me that our upper bodies are almost touching. The music begins to play, and we begin to move to the rhythm of the classical music.

The stares of the people in the room burn into my skin and I wish to be everywhere, just not here. I let my gaze wander from Adriano and look around while I continue to move my body with Adriano's in unison with the music. The facial expressions of each person couldn't be more different. Some just stare at us; others give us a fake smile or a glare.

I swallow as I look around. Most of the faces are not unfamiliar to me, but I don't associate a single one with something positive. They only provoke anger.

No fear, no grief, just anger.

I know what these people did to get their power and what they do to keep it. You stand here feeling strong, vengeful, and are lusting for more power but you should only feel one thing.


They should be ashamed of themselves.

For being here in this room and for what they are. When did they go from humans to monsters? When did I become them?

Suddenly I feel Adriano squeeze my hand very tightly and I travel my gaze back to him. My frown disappears the second I look into his eyes. Instead of a rigid expression on his face, I see a small smile that plays on his lips. It's barely noticeable but I can see it.

No mocking look or a stupid grin. But a reassuring smile. Nevertheless, what irritates me, even more, is what I see in his eyes. Something I've never seen in all the years I've known him.

A mixture of panic and fear.


I can't believe it.

Adriano Calvetti is scared?

I nearly burst out in laughter.

How pathetic can someone be?

If he can't even be in this room without peeing in his pants, he won't survive a week as the leader.

The bad, bad heir of the Sicilian Mafia is scared of dancing in front of a few people?

If everyone in here could see what he is feeling right now they wouldn't be so scared of him anymore.

He is feared by almost everyone who has ever heard of him and if they aren't terrified by the things they hear about him, those men sure as hell are when they look into his eyes.

I admit there were short moments in my life where I was too, not that I would ever tell him this but at this moment, the glint in his eyes tells me about his weakness.

I don't know what it is but now I definitely know that he has one and I will find it out.

And this man really thinks I will beg him for mercy?

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