Chapter 35- Scared

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Short chapter-sorry

Adriano Calvetti

"The fuck you are. No, way. You can't just walk into a fucking house full of armed men without any protection. Not even I would do that alone because it's a fucking suicide mission."

"I can and I will. By the way, it's not. They wouldn't risk my death. The Irish don't want war."

You would be fucking surprised how goddamn reckless men are. Especially when they have a woman they want to fuck before them. They don't have to kill you to fucking hurt you.

"We are here, Mrs. Calvetti." I hear her driver say.

"I have to go now. I am already there."


"No. The fuck. Amara, don't you dare walk into this goddamn building."

I will fucking rip her apart if she goes in there.

"If I wouldn't know it better I would say you are scared I will get hurt," she replies and I can practically see the fucking grin on her face.

Fucking brat.

"Amara. Don't fucking joke around now."

She can't do that.

"Relax, I am not going to die," She replies like there is no risk at all.

But there is a fucking risk.

She is unarmed.

They could fucking hurt her.

They won't kill her but they could touch her. Rape her. Yeah, they would be killed but they wouldn't even think about that while touching her. They would fucking ignore it. Maybe even get fucking turned on by thinking about how forbidden it is.

I shake my head in disgust.

I want to throw up.

"I have to hang up now. I have to bring a ton of coke back." She says.

I can hear a small laugh leaving her mouth.
Why do you do this?

"Amara. Don't you fucking dare. Where exactly are-" I start but then the line goes dead.

No fucking way.

She didn't fucking dare.

What drove into her?

"Cazzo," I yell out and throw my phone against the wall. It breaks into a thousand pieces.

I run my hand through my hair and pull at the strands frustrated.

I let out a groan.

Don't do this to me, Amara.

I turn around and open the door. I walk out of the suite and immediately take down the elevator.

How could she be so reckless?

She could have called me. I would have picked up. I would be there with her. There would be guards. She would be safe.

Why does she always have to prove herself to everyone? To her Parents. To herself.

Every-fucking-body knows what she is capable of. Some will never admit it but they know.

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