Chapter 5- Dagger

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.


I want  to make clear that I will never romanticize mental or physical abuse. This is an enemies to lovers story and therefore of course there are scenes that contain abuse at the beginning, but that is not an abuser to lovers story. I would never write something like that and it is not acceptable. They don't have any kind of mental health damage because of the things they do to each other.

Oh, also I recommend listening to badass music while reading this chapter!

And now have fun reading and always remember that you are loved and enough!

Love you, bye.

Amara Thorne

My breathing is uneven, and I feel my heart beating fast in my chest while my heartbeat is pulsing loudly in my ears. The whole room is spinning, and I wish more than anything else in this world than to just disappear here and escape this situation.

What would I give to lie in the green grass on a meadow while the sun's rays can be felt on my skin, not thinking about anything else than the beautiful flowers that are growing around me or dancing in the rain while listening to music?

Instead, I sit here and look at Adriano Calvetti, the last person I want to be in a room with right now, or ever. His intense gaze does not let go of me but wanders over my face and my body. Neither of us utter a word and even though we have only been alone for a few minutes, it feels like I have been trapped here for hours. This is my personal hell.

His bloody hand is clenched into a fist and the other one grips tightly around the armrest of the chair he is sitting on.

All of a sudden, he gets up in a fast movement and slowly heads to the glass table that is standing in the middle of the room. I watch every one of his steps as he takes a black handkerchief from his suit and uses it to wipe the blood from his hands. Adriano's intense gaze remains on me the whole time, forcing me to not look away either.

For a person who claims to hate eye contact he has a piercing gaze like no one else.

"You don't want to say thank you?", he asks, an evil smirk starting to spread across his face.

I let out a humorless laugh and raise an eyebrow.

"What should I thank you for? Tell me! I am really curious."

Adriano does not give me an answer, instead he takes two clean glasses from the table and pours scotch into them. Then he walks over to me, slightly surprising me. The man stands in front of the sofa where I am sitting, his about 6'2 feet tall frame towering over me. I look up to him, propping my elbows on the backrest.

He hands me one of the two glasses and I look at him even more confused and suspicious.

"Do you really think I would drink this? You could have easily poisoned the scotch."

He lets out a chuckle and that causes me to raise an eyebrow.

"Poison you? Do you really think so little of me? Where is the fun when it ends so fast? Believe me, when I tell you that I will kill you slowly and painfully and I will enjoy every second of it, my dear future wife."

I roll my eyes, trying to suppress the urge to vomit at his words.

I take the glass and our hands brush for a breath moment. The touch causes my skin to feel like it is surrounded by fire and electricity flows through my entire body.

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