Chapter 13- Alone

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Long chapter: Nearly 4500 words! Yeahhh!

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

TW: mention of rape and domestic violence!
I forgot to mention these warnings! I apologize!

Amara Thorne

I groan out of annoyance and frustration when another thudding knock sounds through the thick wood of the door to my bedroom and prevents me from falling into a deep sleep again.

Still, nothing in the world could get me out of bed now.

I have no idea how late it is, but I don't think I have slept more than two hours. After all, I didn't go to sleep until 7 a.m.

I thought that if I move in here at least the advantage will be that I don't have to do anything and can lie in bed all day, but I was wrong.

Totally wrong.

Not that I would have something against waking up early to go on a mission but that's not even the case. They want me to be awake but don't allow me to have fun.

If Adriano wants to forbid everything, then at least he shouldn't rob me of my beauty sleep.


"Come in.", I yell, but because of the pillow that presses against my cheek, my sounds only come out muffled.

In the morning when I am still lying in my bed, I always sound raspy and like I've just had my wisdom teeth removed.

I hate it.

How should I start into my day with a happy mood when my voice sounds like I have just eaten sandpaper?

After a few seconds I hear the door open and someone walking towards my bed.

"Miss Thorne? I am here to wake you up.", I hear a female voice saying.

"Well, I am awake so you have done your job and now you can get the fu- ", I begin, starting to raise my voice.

"-Young lady. Don't finish that sentence. Just because you're grumpy in the mornings doesn't mean you have to piss off the people around you.", the woman interrupts me and now I can clearly hear her Polish accent. 

At least I am pretty sure she is a Polish woman.
Beside English, I also speak Italian, Russian, Spanish and a little bit of Japanese but I have heard many more accents so I don't think I am wrong with my conclusion.

I lift my head and turn it to the side to look into the woman's face but when I open my mouth to reply something she is faster than me.

"I have to correct myself. You can piss off any person here just not me. Especially the men here. They all deserve a decent address that makes it clear to them that the few women here are the ones who rule. 

You've probably already noticed what kind of assholes they are. I mean, they try to put us down and think that they are better because of the 2 inches in their pants? Not that I have anything to say against small penises, I can confirm that it really depends on the technique, but they don't even have that.

These guys talk a lot and then can't even last for a minute. If you have to brag with your performances in bed, you should at least be able to make a woman cum.", she continues without stopping to take a breath during her sentences.

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