Chapter 12- Childhood

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

At the moment the chapters are not so exciting but this will soon change! These are chapters to get to know the characters better!

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Amara Thorne

Darius slams the driver's door as soon as I am in the car and I am curious what we're going to do. He rounds it and opens the passenger door to join me.

The second he sits next to me I look him into his eyes, while crossing my arms.

„We won't come far if you don't tell me where I should drive!", I say, giving him an expectant smile.

A thousand ideas come up to my mind as I think about the things we could do and the excitement builds up inside me.

„Drive to the next supermarket.", he answers giving me a huge grin.


„What the fuck?!", I say, letting out a gasp.

Is this a fucking joke?

"Darius, I thought that we will do something fun like going around and torture some of our enemies or get high and drunk until we do not know our names anymore but instead you want to go shopping?", I continue, looking at him confused and slightly angry, raising one eyebrow.

„I know that you didn't expect that, and you know how fucking much I would love to do that with you but as I said before I want to experience something with you that has nothing to do with the Organized Crime, drugs or murderer. I wanted to try this out with you for so long, but we never got the chance and now we are able to do it, so it is time.", he explains.

„You seriously think that going grocery shopping with you will be more fun than killing our enemies? Did you hurt your head? I can't express how happy I am that I do not have to do these things. That is one of the reasons why I love this life. It is never boring."

„Do you know what it means to be a child? How it feels?", Darius asks me, throwing me off course, causing me to frown at him.

What stupid questions are these?

"Of course, I know what it feels like to be a child. I mean, how could I not? I was a child.", I answer, letting out a humorless laugh.

"You do? I think that's fucking bullshit."

"Excuse me?", I say, gasping.

"I do not think that you know what a real childhood looks like because you never had one. You have no idea what it means to be "normal". I have thought about this for a long time now and realized that we do not had one "normal" childhood-experience and it is crazy to say but I didn't even know by myself what this word even means. What is normal? For me it was playing with guns at eight and killing people at ten, torturing enemies of the family while other children my age spent time with their friend or played video games.", he explains, not showing any face expression.

"I know what a "normal childhood is, and it is boring.", I answer turning my gaze away, looking out of the window, watching the raindrops running down the glass.

"Do you really think that I can't tell when you are lying? You are honestly trying to make me believe that there was not one day on which you wanted to have another life. A life where you aren't surrounded by monsters. People who want nothing more than seeing you turning into them.", he says, sounding like he would be convinced that what he is saying is true.

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