Chapter 6- Sacrivice

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

This chapter is incredible boring and short but there will be another chapter published in a few hours!

The next chapters are going to be exciting!

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Amara Thorne

I sit up on the bed and take a deep breath.

Why can't everyone just leave me alone?

Another knock sounds through the room and I head annoyed to the door.

If another person knocks on this fucking door tonight there will end up people dead.

My expression turns into an angry glare when I see  my mother standing in front of me.

I notice the guilty and compassionate look on her face when I travel my gaze all over her.

Suddenly she lunges at me and wraps her arms tightly around my body, almost crushing me.

She knows how much I hate this and still she doesn't care. I can tell her all over again but she thinks I am overreacting because it is her right to touch and hug me whenever she wants.

For me it is not just a simple gesture but so much more.

If someone touches me without asking for consent I would normally kill them without a second thought but she is my mother.

„I am so sorry, Amara. ", she whispers, her voice trembling.

I pat her back to signalize her to stop hugging me and that I feel uncomfortable. The first time in my life she lets go off me when I show her to and I look into her bloodstained eyes that are filled with tears.

I can see behind her fake facade.

„If you are doing something on purpose and you would do it again, the apology afterwards does not mean anything. You try to manipulate me to receive my forgiveness, so you are not feeling guilty anymore. If you deceive me like that then at least stand by it and do not act like you would regret going behind my back.", I say, not letting a single face expression show.

I turn away from her and walk towards the glass table that is standing in my room. I sit down on a chair and my mother  follows me immediately and takes the seat beside me.

She taps her foot nervously on the floor, showing me her anxiety.

„That is not true. I tried everything I could but there wasn't another option. It is the only way to show the Russians that the alliance is strong. This marriage will protect you.", she says, trying to gain my forgiveness.

„Everything I do is always for you.", she adds, giving me a little smile.

I wish that was true but she would choose everyone over me.

„You do not understand it, do you? I am mad at you for going behind my back and not telling me about it or even anticipated me. I am not angry at you because I have to marry him because I know it is the best option but you  just decided something so important for me without even thinking about me. I should have known about the engagement before you planned everything. ", I say, raising my voice.

My whole life is turned upside down and everybody acts like it is not a big deal. The most people only fight for something if they are the ones with the problem.

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