Chapter 34- Irish

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TW: blood, torture, death, etc.

Amara Thorne

I walk up the stairs to the mansion. The two guards are stepping aside and opening the door for me.

I walk in and an older lady comes up to me. I immediately notice her immense blue eye and the bruises on her right arm that aren't covered.

Dirty bastards.

"Mrs. Calvetti. It's a pleasure to have you here. I will immediately show you the way to my boss." She politely greets me, and I follow her.

She leads me through a corridor until we are standing before a huge wooden door. She opens it for me and when I step in, she closes it.

"Mrs. Calvetti. It's time" The man at the end of the long table speaks up.

"Check her for guns." He orders one of the men.

He comes closer and touches me from head to toe and of course, he doesn't find anything.

It would be dumb to take a gun with me only for them to take it away, wouldn't it?

I count 12 men. So, with the guards, I noticed 14. What the fuck? What kind of clown show is that? 14 men?

Do they think a few of these fuckers will scare me?

I internally roll my eyes at that thought.

I walk closer to them and sit myself down on the other end of the table.

"So, gentlemen. How can I help you?" I ask, putting a fake smile on.

"Why isn't your husband here? Does he think he is better than we? That a deal with us is too low for him?"

He is better than you, asshole.

"No, not at all. I have to apologize for his absence but I also don't want to annoy you or waste your time so I would say we should come straight to the point." I reply, trying to get out of here as soon as possible.

This situation bores the shit out of me.

14? Really.

The last time they visited Sicily they took at least 50 members with them. Well, I guess the Irish Mafia isn't what she was a few years ago.

Ryan shouldn't have stepped back.

"Of course. I have a proposal for you." He says, the other men just staring, most of them lusting over me, their gazes fixated on my boobs.

"A proposal?"

"Well, yes. Unless you don't want the coke back?" He says grinning at me.

He really thinks he is the boss here. Interesting.

14. Embarrassing.

"No. No. No. I need it back. Tell me what you want." I reply.

"Well, I have three-month-old twins now. One is a girl the other a boy. My son is obviously going to take over the business unless my daughter marries a strong ally." He starts.

"To secure that my empire will last I need to form a future alliance. That's why I need you." He adds.

I frown at him.

"Sir, I don't think I can follow you."

Of course, I know what he implies but I just can't fucking believe that he would dare.

"Well, Mrs. Thorne... you are married now and soon there will be heirs. In exchange for the coke I want to marry your firstborn off with my daughter in case it's a boy and if it's a girl she will marry my son. I would say as soon as your heir is about fourteen. In the best case earlier." He continues.

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