Chapter 6

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I didn't know how far I went all I know is that I couldn't stop. My heart was pounding in my chest and my ears were ringing. Tears were soiling down my cheeks as I stumbled and half ran to an unknown destination. After a while my legs became heavy and I collapsed onto the ground, tears still streaming down my face. How could she do this? Right when I needed her most. I rubbed my face in hopes that it would stop my tears but, to my misfortune, it didn't.

After a while my tears stopped and my cries turned to hiccups. I got up and looked around wondering where the hell i was. i hope i hadn't gone to far. Walking around without knowing where you are is can be really hard when your also In pain. There was a stinging pain in my hip and grazes on my elbows and knees.

I guess running from my problems is a bit of a habit now. Obviously it's a bad one.

After arguing with myself over what I should do I decided to go "home". Maybe I could eat my problems away. Yeah good idea.
I made the long walk home in silence (obviously) with only the not so soothing sound of the occasional car. As I got back to the house I could hear noises from the backyard and decided to make my way there. Realising I hadn't explored that much of the house yet it took me a while to find the back door. Silly I know.

Caspian was playing in the pool by himself ( god what a sad person) and by the looks of it had been like this for a while. I didn't even realise I had been gone that long. I coughed to catch his attention but he couldn't (or secretly chose not to) hear me. He was too immersed in his game of "destroy everything I see". 

I looked around for anything that would be good throwing ammo but onus a stray shoe came to my defence. I decided it was worth a shot and picked the up and threw it in his direction. Obviously since I was so amazing at sports it landed nowhere near him but was enough to catch his attention.

'hey sister from another mister... And mother!' He yelled quite loudly.
'Where is everyone?' I asked already knowing but just wanting to clarify.
'They're at the shops getting food for dinner which reminds me, I'm hungry want some pizza?'
'As long as we keep a strict boundary of 1 metre then, Sure. Pizza sounds lovely.'
'Great just let me get dressed'.

He swam to the side of the pool and pulled himself out before grabbing a towel I had not seen before. 
Now I don't want to get all cliche on you and say he had the body of a god but damn he was built. Still don't fancy losing my virginity to him though.

I followed him inside to the very spacious living room and watched him out of the Corner of my eye. He picked  up a shirt that had been laying on a chair (this guy has everything laying around wow) and slipped it over his head before ringing  up dominos.

We waited in an awkward silence for the pizza. Just casually glancing towards the others general direction every so often. It seemed like forever until the pizza finally arrived and we sat down to watch a random movie.

' so how are you dealing with this whole virginity stuff?' He asked quietly breaking the silence.
'Please like you care' I snapped.
'I actually do. I'm not like my friends. I actually care. I try to get to know the person before I destroy their lives'.
'Well at least you acknowledge it'

He looked over at me and smiled sadly. 'I know what we do Is bad but I want you to know if I could stop  it I would'.
'That's really sweet of you Caspian'. I cooed. He smiled, obviously he didn't catch my sarcasm.

He did look kinda sweet when he smiled though. He liked less like an asshole and more like a normal high school kid but honestly, what's the difference.
We talked a bit more about our lives and ended up making a truce before we both retreated to our separate rooms for the night.
This is going to be one interesting year.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded in forever. I've been having trouble finding inspiration and also finding out how to continue this story. Hopefully I get back into the groove soon.

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