Chapter 3

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~iris's POV~
I watched as realisation appeared on his face making me swear. Why was this happening to me? Of all the people in the world. Him?!

I sighed, wiping the tears away. Guess I gotta do this. I grabbed my bags and walked up to the family putting on my sweetest smile. "hello my name is Iris and I will be staying with you guys for now" I said politely.
"Hello" they chorused back
Ok... freaky.
"Um could you please show me to my room so I can unpack?" I asked.

The person who I guessed was the mother motioned for me to follow her. Thank god. Someone needs to tell Mr Moody over there to stop staring at me. Jeez where did he learn his manners?

I followed the lady upstairs to hopefully my bedroom. We walked to the end of the hallway and stopped outside the last door. "This is your room. The room next to it is my eldest son's, the next one over is mine and then one across the hall is my youngest son's."

I nodded my head and opened the door to my new room, eyes becoming wide at what I saw. This room was amazing! I turned, dropped my bags and hugged the lady. I couldn't help it. This was way better than my old house. I let go and blushed. She only laughed.

"I hoped that you would like it" she said. I just looked at her. "like? I love it!" I squealed. She laughed again. "Dinner will be ready in 1 hour. We will do the introductions then." After that she smiled and walked out. I looks over at my bags and sighed. I opened the first one and saw all my clothes then, I opened the second one and saw my toiletries and other small things. It took about an hour to get most of the things unpacked. The only things left were my shoes but they were easy.

As I walked downstairs I could smell something delicious. I poked my head into the kitchen and looked around. The mother was cooking some sort of meat and veggies. Mmm. "Dinner will be ready in 2 minutes. Can you please help set the table. I'll go get the boys." I smiled and nodded then proceeded to look for the knives and forks.

Once everyone was seated and had their food, the introductions started. "My name is Samantha isles and these are my two sons', Riley and Caspian. Boys introduce yourselves."

The youngest son, Riley spoke first.
"Hi I'm Riley isles. I'm 7 and I love football!" He yelled. I giggled at his enthusiasm. Caspian then spoke. " Hello. My name is Caspian and I'm 17. I love girls." he said yawning. Wow so enthusiastic. (note the sarcasm) " Hi. My name is iris sage and I'm 17 just like Caspian and, I love to sing. This may seem a bit rude but I have some ground rules.
1. You cannot come into my room unless your name is Samantha.
2. Touch my stuff, and your dead.
And last but not least
3. Never ask me questions about my family.
Are they easy? Thought so."
Caspian stared at me shocked while Riley and Samantha kept eating while nodding their heads.

"Thank you. May I please leave the table?"
Samantha nodded and waved me off, saying she might not be there in the morning because of work. I ran up the stairs to my room and jumped straight on the bed, sighing as my body went into sleep mode.

A knock on my door woke me up with a start, making me fall off my bed and onto the floor, hurting my bum. An unknown voice started laughing making me very irritated. I looked over to the door and saw Caspian standing there tears of laughter rolling down his face. I felt my face turn red with fury. No one laughs at me and gets away with it.

I got up and walked over to him, my eyes never leaving his. Once I was close enough I slapped him as hard as I could hearing the satisfying SMACK ring throughout the room. A smile made its way onto my face as he clutched his cheek in pain. "Listen here asshole. Never, and I mean never laugh at me ever or you will see more of that, but worse," With that I smiled sweetly, slammed the door in his face making sure to lock it, and went back to bed.

The next time I woke up it was 7am and the smell of bacon was lingering in the air. I quickly got up and raced downstairs. To my surprise Caspian was at the stove cooking some bacon and eggs. I didn't even know he could make a sandwich let alone cook.

As if sensing my presence, he turned around and gave me a smile offering some bacon and scrambled eggs. I took it without a second thought. After a couple of minutes he came over with his breakfast and sat down. A heavy silence engulfed us. That was until Riley came running down the stairs wondering what was for breakfast.

About and hour later once Riley was at school, Caspian drove to Fraser high. The silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Once we were parked and both of us were at the school gates, Caspian grabbed my wrist and ripped the pink bracelet off of it making me gasp. Why the hell did he just do that. " close your eyes" he said. I obeyed not wanting to get hurt. I felt something cold slip on the same wrist making me shiver. I opened my eyes to see a red bracelet sitting on my wrist.

My eyes grew wide and my throat became dry. What was I? Some sort of fresh meat? These guys can not just go around thinking just because they are popular they can own me and everyone else. Well sorry not happening. I slapped him as hard as I could and walked inside heading to my first class of the day.
Authors note
Gasp! 2 chapters in one day? Damn you guys must be lucky. this is like very rare for me so you should feel special.
Anyway... Second Chapter!!! Whoop whoop!
I'm hoping that maybe more people will comment and vote but it's okay if you don't want to. It just makes me feel like my story is actually good if people do but I'm not going to force anyone. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has voted and commented and read my story. Even the smallest of things can make someone happy.

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