Chapter 1

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I walked down the hall way ignoring everyone's stares. Why they were looking at me I have no idea. I walked over to my first class of today.


Ohh how I hate science. You never get to run or throw a ball. I think sport is much more educational and is needed more in life then sitting on a chair and mixing random stuff together that k will probably never use again.

Sighing I walked other to the science door. I looked at the light wood colour of the door before I opened it and entered. The teacher, Miss looked at me. Her grey eyes were glaring at me. Everyone's attention was on me.

I was two minutes late. Gimme a break. I am a straight A student!

"Your late! Do you really want a detention? Now sit down at the front here." She said pointing to the desk up front. Everybody hates that seat, there is gum all over the bottom and it's right in front of the teacher so she can tell if your texting in class.

"No" I told her. Her eyes went darker and I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears and nose. I walked over to the back and sat next to my best Abby. She smiled at me.

We both know that I hate being told what to do. Expressly in science.

The teacher walked up to me, her face slowly turning red. "Yes?" I asked all innocently like I didn't just say no to her. I think I pissed her off even more. "First day back of term 4 and you have already earned a detention?" She said slamming a detention slip on my desk. She smiled thinking she had won me over.

Did I mention I'm really good at sass?

" I don't know what your talking about" I said ripping it up in front of her. I knew it was the last one in her book, we have a lot of people getting in trouble. She stared at me in disbelief. "Do you need me to call your parents?" She asked. "No, not really. But if you want to go over there to your phone" I said pointing to her phone which was broken on the floor.

It wasn't me, I promise. It just so happens that I'm not the only one who hates science.

"What do you mean no?" She asked. Her face turning as red as a tomato. "I though you were meant to be a teacher. Geese you don't even know the meaning to no" I told her. "Why don't you try being the teacher?" She asked.

I looked at her in disbelief. Did she really say that? What an idiot!

I stood up and looked at everyone. "Your all dismissed from this hell, lesson" I told them before grabbing my stuff. Everyone just stared at me. " you heard me, out!" I told them pointing to the door. They all got up and stared leaving the room until it was just me, Abby and miss.

"I'm glad to teach again anytime you want" I told her before leaving the classroom with Abby next to me.

"let's go abby, i need to get my books for the next lesson."

As we walked down the hallway. many people were still staring and me and whispering. What the hell is going on. I'm not exactly the most unpopular student but still. I got to my locker and quickly put the code in, opening it in one swift motion.

As soon as the door swung open flowers came tumbeling out falling onto tne floor. In admist of the mess there was a single white card. I picked  it up and read it.

"You are our next victiom. Be prepared to lose your most loved treasure ;)"

"Shit Abby..."


There we go. i know i said i wouldn't update till i had about 3-5 chapters but i couldn't wait i was too excited. here is a little sneak peek into whats coming.


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