Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning with a dreadful ache in my neck. I could feel that I was sleeping on something was most definitely not a pillow and it wasn't doing me very good. I craned my neck towards where I thought I would see my "pillow" but all I was met with was muscles. Oh please let this not be a cliché story where the heroin wakes up on a guys chest and instantly falls in love.

A groan was heard from the mysterious body as I made my way off of it. I looked down at the person and almost fainted. Of course it was Caspian. My Life just happened to be the most cliché story ever. I made sure he hadn't woken  before running off to my room to grab a surprise for him. I quietly made my way back down the stairs towards where he lay before setting down what I had gotten.

Marker? Check. Air horn? Check. A victim? Check. As carefully as I could I started to draw the stupidest things I could think of. I feel like this is an appropriate way to say 'fuck you'. Once I had finished I stepped back and admired my work. A dick had been drawn down the length of his face and some obscenities had been scrawled across his cheeks and forehead. I'd like to see him clean this off.

Grabbing the horn I hid behind a chair and blew it. I loud scream echoed throughout the house and I had to bite my hand to muffle my laughter. From where I was I had a perfect view of his shocked expression. I quickly whipped out my phone and took a picture but of course my flash just had to be on. Why was it even on? I didn't have the time to think of that as I got up and raced out of the room with Caspian hot on my heels yelling my name.

'Iris you little sh*t get your ass back here now!'

I ran to my room and locked the door with a relieved sigh. How I got out that I will never know but I had more important matters to focus on. I had an angry Caspian outside of my room and I was going to be late for school if he didn't leave. Oh well I could always climb out the window. There was a very strategic vine placed there. I walked into my bathroom which by the way was amazing. It had for some unknown reason a porcelain toilet because, rich people, and my shower had 3 settings. On, Off and do not touch.

'Iris I can hear you walking1 Don't you dare climb out of your window. I will snitch on you if you do!' Yelled a muffled Caspian from outside my door.

Man can this boy get on my nerves. Guess I better just ignore him and get ready.


An hour later I arrived to school on time with 10 minutes before class thankfully. If I was lucky I would be able to watch Caspian's demise as all his friends saw his face of chaos. I walked through the school doors and scoped the halls for anyone whom I tolerated. I couldn't hang with Abby now that she was getting it with Lloyd. I guess I just have to find some new friends.

As I walked around I couldn't help but look at my wrist where the red and pink bracelets still sat. This was insane. I really need to find a way to remove these before anything happens. I looked around again at all the different groups before spotting one full of shy looking kids with glasses. I mean they seem my type, I guess I could give it a go.

I was making my way over to them when suddenly I was pulled behind and corner and shoved against the wall in a rough manner. Oh god not again. Much to my dismay it was Caspian with a serious look on his face. I took one look at him and burst into giggles. He still had faint outlines of my drawings on his face. They looked a bit red so it was obvious he tried scrubbing them off.

"Are you kidding me Iris? You just had to make them permanent. To be fair it is quite funny but since its on me then not so much. I will get revenge on you for this little prank but first I have a deal." He spoke in a firm voice.

"What" I answered back slightly annoyed and this absurd and spontaneous predicament.

"If you lend me some of your makeup then I promise to get off the ugly pink bracelet on your wrist"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then have fun with Lloyd" and it seemed he had finished speaking as he let me go and walked off still with the drawings on his face.

I watched him walk away for a bit because damn this is cliché but then thought about this. It might not be so bad a deal. I get this bracelet off and he gets his somewhat good looks back. Ok deal.

"Wait Caspian I'll do it. I really don't want to 'belong' to that freak Lloyd any longer than I have to so here's my makeup bag. Go cover up your ugliness some more even though I don't think that's possible." I yelled at him throwing my bag down the hall towards him. He smiled at me before running back and  pulling bolt cutters out of his bag.

"WTF did you plan this or something?" I yelled in shock

"Shhh quiet down and yes I did. I've had these in my bag for about 3 days now and it was getting quite heavy. Seriously." He whispered back absentmindly while cutting off the lock to my bracelet then throwing it in the bin.

I rubbed my wrist in happiness before realising his was still there. I glared at his retreating back in annoyance before sighing and leaving for class.


Hey guys this is chapter another for you. I hope you enjoy this one and feedback is welcomed!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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