The Snowy Alps

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March 13, 1965

We board a plane at 11am and head straight to Salzburg, Austria from the Bahamas.

The snow covered mountains are such a beautiful sight from the plane, I stare out the window almost  the entire time, hand entwined with George's.

Paul keeps his distance from me.

When we land 4,000 fans shrieking their heads off greet us at the airport.

I see the press hanging out in the background and I groan internally.

Greaaaat, a press conference straight off the plane. How original.

The world moves by in a blur as we're ushered to a nearby hotel so the boys can give the press their bone.

I want nothing more than to crawl in bed with Geo. I'm always dead tired after flying and having to listen to the press ask their stupid questions is making it all the worse.

I nearly jump for joy when we get moved to the awaiting car to head to our final destination, Hotel Edelweiss in Obertauern.

George and I head straight to our room each armed with one of our bags.

As soon as the door clicks shut behind us I fall backwards onto the bed with a big sigh.

Geo laughs and drops to the bed beside me, "long day?"

I nod. "I don't care how many times I say it, I could never live the schedule Brian has you lot on. So busy. All. The. Time."

"Poor love, care for a massage?"

I nod enthusiastically and sit up.

"Care to do it in the hot tub?" He asks, waggling his eyebrows.

I hadn't even noticed we had one in the room and I immediately stand to disrobe.

"Eager aren't we?" He grins as he follows my lead.

George switches on the jets and we climb in.

He gets to work right off and turns me to putty in his capable hands.

I'm laying with my arms supporting my head and feel myself drifting off from his gentle touch.

After what feels like only seconds George gently shakes me awake. "Let's get into bed, _______..."

His voice is soothing and makes me want to go right back to sleep in the warm water.

George stands and pulls me up with him, our bodies sliding together.

I hum and press closer to his warmth as the chill of the room wraps around us.

He only chuckles and steps from the tub, pulling me to follow.

We dry off and crawl into the large, soft bed.

The warmth of the hot tub keeps us toasty beneath the covers and I snuggle close, breathing in the scent of him until sleep pulls me under.

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