Meeting Him

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February 25th, 1964

I hurry through the chilly February night, clutching the box close to my middle to reduce the bouncing in my frantic steps. My camera bearing the brunt still bouncing wildly on my chest.

Of course I'm late!
Pattie invites me to her boyfriend's birthday, George freaking Harrison's birthday, and I'm running LATE.

I'm so busy trying to protect the box in my arms I fail to notice a figure stepping in front of me as I reach for the door.

"Excuse me, Miss. Can I get the door for you?"

I glance up with a shocked gasp, meeting lovely hazel doe-eyes.

"Oh, yes! Thank you, that would be very helpful."

He opens the door with a little wink, making me grin and look down at the package.

I give one last look behind me before scurrying off, "thanks again, Paul!"

Paul! That's Paul McCartney! Oh my god...tonight will be the end of me.

I weave my way through the room, sighing in relief when I see Pattie waving me over to a table.

"_______! Hello, darling! Thank you so much for making the cake for George! You're the absolute best baker I know! He'll just absolutely die when he finally has a taste! I've been teasing him about it for weeks now!"

I smile at her excitement, proud to be praised for something I love to do.

I met Pattie at her modeling agency, I spend my days staring through the lens of my camera at all these gorgeous models, but my true calling is baking.

One day I hope to open my own bakery, at least part time. I love photography, but baking is my passion.

I carefully remove my creation from the box, displaying it proudly amongst the other foods on the table.

After a few more pleasantries with Pattie, I excuse myself to hang up my coat.

After throwing my coat on a hanger haphazardly, I gently raise my camera from resting my my chest, fiddling with the settings to suit the lighting in the room.

I jump in surprise when a hand lands on my shoulder.

I turn quickly, this time being met with dark chocolate eyes, framed with gorgeous eyelashes.

He pauses a moment, mouth gaping as his eyes study my surprised face.

"Hullo, you must be ______! Pattie has been rather mean to me about your lovely cake! Just wanted to say thanks for coming, and thanks for accommodating my sweet tooth!"

I smile warmly at him.

He's rather't think that....he's Pattie's.

I hold my hand out and he takes it delicately. We shake hands, "it's so nice to meet you, George! Pattie speaks of you often, and of that sweet tooth of yours."

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