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May 3, 1964

Paul, Ringo, Mo, and myself find ourselves in the beautiful Virgin Islands.

Paul and I have been going very steady for about a month now, and here I am away on some tropical getaway with him.

I'm not complaining by any means, but it seems to be moving along so quickly.

The days were hot and wonderful, the nights just as hot, but in a much more...mature sense.

We didn't spend a lot of time with Ringo and Mo, but we made sure to have at least one meal a day with the other couple.


"C'mon, love, afraid to get wet?" Paul asks, flashing a cheeky grin.

"You should know that I'm not." I retort, grin of my own.

Paul growl as he pulls me into the cerulean blue water with him.

His arms hold me tightly, swaying me gently in the water to a song he gently hums to himself.

I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder, letting the moment engulf me.

Everything about this feels so wonderfully right. A small flash of guilt floods through me as I remember how I had to abandon work for this holiday.

Almost as if he's reading my thoughts Paul nudges my chin gently with his shoulder making me look up into his eyes.

"Don't feel guilty, _______. You're an amazing photographer, but you do deserve some time away."

"I know I do....but I've reduced my time at the agency so much I'm barely considered part time anymore..."

"You're still talented enough that they want to keep you on, even if it's only for a few hours each week." He says with a kiss on my nose making me smile.

"I suppose you're right...but it also means I'm not making nearly enough money to save up for my own bakery..."

"Well, then how about you move in with me? Saving money will be easy when I can cover all of the bills."

I can feel my body heat up from his blunt statement.

Did he just....ask me to move in?

He waits patiently for my answer, fingers gently running across the bare skin of my back.

"I think I would like that....n-not the bill paying! I'm not a gold digger or anything! I would do my share of things of course! I've never lived with a man before and-"

Paul cuts me off with a kiss, "I would never think that you're the kind of girl to just go after money. I practically had to kidnap you just to come on holiday with me because you didn't want me to cover your way."

I loop my arms around his neck, "well, when we get back I suppose I've got a lot of packing to do!"

"Nonsense! We can call a company and have them do it while I admire your wet body on the beach..."

"Paul!" I exclaim, looking around to make sure nobody heard.

It doesn't take long before we exit the water in favor of a shady section of the secluded beach.

The lovemaking is passionate and gentle, a wonderful way to seal a big step in our relationship.


True to his word, the next morning Paul contacted Brian to get my things taken care of.

Never in my ordinary life would I ever have thought this is where I would be in the future.

It all seems far too good to be true. Paul is a perfect gentleman, a passionate man with a gentle touch. Kind to others. So much more than what the public gets to see of him.

Anytime someone recognizes him he takes it in good humor, signing things for fans and allowing them to take photos.

Two weeks into our holiday the paparazzi finally found us and hound Paul for information on me.

He tells them it's impolite to ask about a lady when she's standing right here, and to ask me if they really wanted to know.

I'm not one for being out in the spotlight. I don't love attention.

"So, miss, who are you, and what is your relationship with Paul?"

I feel pinkness creep into my cheeks as the man poises his pencil over his notebook awaiting my answer.

"I'm, uh....his girlfriend. Steady for a while name is ______, I work for Honey, the modeling agency..."

"A model, perfect woman for Paul. Have you been in any popular magazines? Your name doesn't seem familiar to me."

"Oh, no you misunderstand...I work for the agency, but I'm a photographer. I shoot photos of the models, and I'm quite good at it, but my true passion is baking"

"Hm, pardon me, Miss _______. You just look like quite the model is all." He says as he pockets his notebook in favor of raising his camera.

"Oh, um....thank you..." I say lamely, smiling awkwardly as Paul pulls me close for the photo.

When the man walks away Paul and I head back to our hotel room.

"He's right, y'know." He says as the door clicks shut behind us.

"Hmm?" I ask, removing my damn bathing suit.

"You do look like a model...and you're all mine to appreciate. I'm glad you're the photographer, I think I'd be jealous if I saw this....." his hands glide over my bare body, tracing each curve slowly. "....printed for the whole world to see...."


May 27, 1964

The near month long trip seemed to fly by impossibly quickly.

Before I knew it we were on the plane back home.

I was beside myself with excitement when we landed, knowing that I would be going home with Paul, not having to separate immediately after a lovely holiday.

As soon as we step through the door I'm surprised there aren't boxes piled around.

"That's funny, I though my things would be here by now?" I say looking around the room.

"Oh the movers have unpacked your things as well. Unpacking after long flights and rushing through airports wouldn't be very fun to do."

I'm surprised but very thankful. I feel like I could sleep for 3 days straight if I wanted to. "Perfect, I'm ready to hit the hay, I'm rather knackered." I speak with a yawn.

"Then it's off to bed for us, my dear." He takes my hand and we head off to his, our, bedroom to catch up on some much needed sleep.

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