Chapter 6 - Back again

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"Hello, Tomioka-san. I grant you the permission to hunt these demons down and capture them. You shall keep custody of these demons.
- Master."
Tomioka sighed happily at the response letter. He stood up and went to find Shinobu.

"I'm leaving." Was the only thing Tomioka said to Shinobu, then he was off.



I wish you were here with me.." Tomioka mumbled into the forest. He was sitting at a temporary camp, it was evening now. Tomioka sighed and decided to search for something to eat. After he had found some berries and brought them back, he heard bushes move and immideatly turned to the sound. Out of the bushes came Tanjiro and Nezuko. Seems like Tanjiro had dragged Nezuko there.

"Heyyy Tomioka-san!~" Tanjiro exclaimed and let go of Nezuko.

"Tanjiro? Why are you here?" Tomioka relaxed a bit.

"To visit you, of course! Why are you here?" Taniiro walked towards Tomioka and looked up at him. Nezuko stood besides her brother.

"To capture you two." Tomioka hit their neck / spot behind neck, making them unconscious.  He sighed and stood up. He picked them up and started walking.


"I'm back." Tomioka says as he walks in the dining room with the box on his back. He sat down and opened the box, letting Tanjiro and Nezuko out.

"Hello, everyone!" Tanjiro says when he stood up. Everyone stared at him.

"Nezuko-chaaaaaaan!~~" Zenitsu starts chasing her around the dining hall.

"BONKACHIROOOOO! FIGHT MEEEEE!" And total chaos exploded. Shinobu and another girl tried getting Zenitsu off Nezuko and Tanjiro was fighting Inosuke while Tomioka tried breaking them up. The rest just sat there, not knowing what to do. Soon Tomioka managed to break up the two and gave Inosuke a death stare. Shinobu and the girl managed to catch Zenitsu and kept him away from Nezuko.

"Come on, Tanjiro, Nezuko." Tomioka started walking out, Nezuko and Tanjiro quickly following.

"We won't give you any information, you know." Tanjiro shook his head. They walked into a room.

"I know. Nezuko, please go to your room, and Tanjiro join me in here please." Tomioka said, patting the spot next to him in the bed. Tanjiro walked in, closed the door and walked into the room.

"What did you need?" Tanjiro asked as he sat down, just to be pulled into a hug by Tomioka slightly shocking him. Tanjiro hugged back, and then felt himself getting pulled ontl Tomioka's lap. He felt his face go beet red as he closed his eyes. When Tomioka finally let go he chuckled at the beet red Tanjiro.

"I gotta tell you something.." Tomioa averted his gaze from Tanjiro to the floor. Tanjiro tilted his head.

"I-" And then the door slammed open, revealing Zenitsu. His eyes widened in shock and both of Tanjiro and Tomioka's cheeks were beet red.

"Zenitsu it's not what it looks like!-" Tanjiro was cut off by the door slamming shut. Tanjiro turned his head around agian, then he leaned onto Tomioka (still on his lap).

"Okay, what did you want to say?" Tanjiro asked curiously.

"Well, I like you.."

"I like you too, as a friend!" Tanjiro smiled slightly.

"I-i meant like, love.." Tomioka stared at the floor again. Tanjiro froze in spot for a second until he quickly kissed Tomioka on the cheek. Tomioka looked up to see a genuinely happy Tanjiro, for the 2nd time ever.

"I feel the same way, Idiot.." Tanjiro smiled wider, closing his eyes in the process. Tomioka smiled and hugged Tanjiro again. After that they just sat there, talking and getting to know each other until they got interuppted by Shinobu.

"Get up!" Shinobu exclaimed.. Tanjiro glared at her, as did Tomioka.

"Hah! Copied you!" Tanjiro smirked proudly. Tomioka rolled his eyes and walked over to Shinobu.

"Why?" Tomioka asked, sounding quite annyoed.

"Because were going to talk. Take Nezuko and Tanjiro with you!" And then Shinobu was gone. Tanjiro ran past Tomioka and to Nezukos room. He opened the door and dragged her out of there.

"We're going to a meeting!" Tanjiro exclaimed, sounding excited. Nezuko's eyes widened and got a excited spark in her eyes.

"Stop dragging me!" Nezuko yelled, but Tanjiro ignored her completely. When they reached the meeting room they calmed down, walked in and sat down on the floor.

"Welcome to the meeting! We're only five so you might wonder why. Well, Tanjiro, Nezuko, meet Kanao, my apprentice!" Shinobu said, calmly walking out while dragging Tomioka with her. He looked confused.

"Hi, I'm Tanjiro! That's Nezuko." Tanjiro did some weird hand-gestures while saying that. She nodded and gestured for them to come closer. As they sat down she took out a coin and flipped it. She looked at it and decided to speak up.

"Hi." Kanao replied with a sweet smile.

"Would you like to do something?" Tanjiro took Kanaos hands just as she finishen the sentence.

"Of course, do you have any ideas? We have to be inside though. Or take an umbrella." Tanjiro said, stars In his eyes. Kanao stared into his eyes, immideatly falling in love. A faint blush spread on her cheeks.

"Uh yeah, actually. We could pick some flowers outside? You'll just take an umbrella." Kanano replied.

《 Tch, Can't my love notice that She's in love with him? Why is he so kind to everyone, even though he's a demon? 》 Tomioka felt jelausness flood his body when he watched the three pick flowers in the garden. He knew he were getting from Tanjiro, but he was still jealous.

"Aw, Look at them! They're so cute!" Shinobu exclaimed, squealing. Tomioka 'tch'ed and walked off, Rolling his eyes. He went back to his room and fell asleep.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading so far! <3

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