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[ Door To You ]

Being stuck in his grandparents' house isn't exactly how Huening Kai planned to relax during the holidays. Sure, he enjoyed his grandparents' presence but he was much of a bookaholic, always wanting to be buried by books. Imagining was what he loved, always daydreaming and imagining fake scenarios of him in action which he knows would never happen in real life. 

Being also born in a poor family, he never travelled overseas. Always stuck in his home country and having to see an airplane flying across the sky, wishing he could also be on it. With his parents working day and night to support the family, Huening Kai was always alone with his younger sister, Bahiyyih at home. Even with the alone time with each other, the siblings weren't really that close. Huening Kai always chose to be at the public library to read and only read while Bahiyyih spent the time being at home watching TV or sleeping.

The only time they even speak is when both have to decide what to cook to feed their empty and hungry stomachs or to have random talks with each other which weren't really often.

"Kai, Bahiyyih!"

Kai's attention averted from his book when his grandpa called for the two. "Argh..." He groaned when his imagination got cut off at the amazing part of the book. He was at the point, equipping to fight the dragons that were trying to invade his territory. And, just as he made his jump out of the window, his grandpa just had to interrupt.

Slowly, he got off the bed and walked slowly towards the living room where his grandparents sat. Bahiyyih was already there, sitting comfortably on the couch. "My boy," His grandma sighed when her eyes caught the thick book in his hands, "You're reading again." Kai just blinked and eyed his book then nodded. His grandparents sighed again. 

"Kai, I'm happy that you love reading but you're reading too much. I'm afraid you're missing out on the outside world." Kai frowned. Missing out? "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm doing fine.. You're worrying too much." Kai assured them but the worried expression never left the elders' face.

"If you say so.. Grandma and me are going to go out for a walk with Bahiyyih. You wanna follow us, boy?" Grandpa asked but Kai shook his head. His grandparents sighed. As much as they wished their boy would go out, he was always adamant, sticking to his book for 24/7.

Bahiyyih noticed how her grandparents felt and eyed Kai with squinted eyes. She walked over to him and without any hesitation, snatched the book out of his hands.

"You bookworm, while we're gone, you better do something productive and not slack off. I'm not giving this book back till we come back home so buh-bye." Bahiyyih threatened before she turned and walked quickly to catch up with their grandparents.

"Hey, b-but-!"

The door slammed close and Kai stood in the living room alone, watching his beloved book taken away being taken away from his sister. He tsked and fell on the couch. Now that his book isn't with him, he was bored. He sighed, and sighed and sighed again. 

What should I do, what should I do?

Kai asked himself as he pushed himself to sit up. He looked around the lonely and quiet house, seeing the changes it had since the last visit which was years ago when he was just 7 years old.  However, his eyes stopped at an unfamiliar door near the end of the kitchen. "I don't remember seeing that door..." He muttered and walked towards it. 

For some reason, it was glowing at the edges and Kai didn't know why. He was having mixed feeling about it. Half of him was excited, curious and wanted to know what was behind the wooden door but half of him was against the idea of looking behind that door. His hand sneakily grasped on the doorknob, hesitating but he felt some type of power suddenly pulling him towards the door.

"Wha-?" Before he could even process everything, the door opened and he saw a blue sky surrounding him. He took a step closer, unaware of the fact that one more step and he was about to fall, deep.

He wanted to look down and up so he took a step closer but his feet stepped on nothing and there he was falling down. His surroundings were passing by quick and he couldn't process anything.

Before he even knew it, blackness was the only thing in view.

Door To You,

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