01 : Fairy Meets Human

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[ Door To You ]
Huening Kai's POV

"When is he gonna wake up? You do know my house isn't some hotel or hospital to aid some random guy with no wings or shit. He doesn't even have horns for goodness sake!"

As soon as I woke up, I felt my world spinning. It felt like my head slammed against something pretty hard.

"Calm down, Jennie..."

"No, how am I supposed to be calm when there is an unknown creature in my house?! Hell, why am I even involved Y/N?"

"Don't assume what he is without knowing the whole picture... He could be hiding them.."

2 voices spoke, females I suppose with their voices being high pitched. Creature? Wings? Horns? What the? Are they like me, love to imagine fictional things?

"Shit, what am I even supposed to say to Yoongi? He doesn't even like guests."

"With you cursing out loud and panicking, your grumpy dwarf brother will wake up so chillax. As soon as this boy wakes up, we will see how things go..."

Dwarf? I opened my eyes slowly and started to panic when a girl hovered over me, staring at me with doe eyes.

"Oh. He's awake, Jen.."

I quickly pushed myself up and went to the corner, eyes still wide and not believing what I saw. Two girls stood in front of me— no, they were flying! Actually one of them was flying while the other just stood. Wings were attached on their back and had some type of dust, pixie dust falling from their wings.

Is it Halloween? Was I asleep for that long? Wait, what even happened?

"Well, look who's awake after being hosteled here for a night. And, he doesn't even thank me? Wow,  just look at that!" The brunette who was floating sarcastically uttered as she eyed from the side, hands folded.

"Come on Jen, don't be rude to our guest!"

"Guest? You call this stranger we just met 'guest'?!"

I eyed both of them, still processing. Wings... Pixie dust... Fairies... "You guys.. are fairies..." I mumbled softly.

The floating brunette stared at me with an expressionless face, "No, bro. We're just flying roaches around here."

The other brunette lightly slapped the shoulder of the brunette and glanced at me. "Don't pull the the sarcasm card now, Jen. Be kind and the matter will be settled quick!" The floating brunette scoffed, "I'll like to see that. Now creature," She turned to me with a pointing finger. "What happened to have you laying on the grass beside a rock, passed out huh?"


I sighed, shaking my head as I stared at the two in front of me. Maybe I should've took him to my house instead.. I wondered but shook my head when the thought of my parents appeared in my head. With problems already on the plate, I ain't adding more.

"Come on, speak and don't be silent! Answer my question." Jennie said, more like demanding in the way her eyes shaped into her usual glare.

"Jennie, you're scaring him." I muttered as I saw the boy now staring at Jennie with quivering eyes. "Scaring him? Hey, that's rude!" Jennie whined, turning towards me. "I'll take over," I uttered. "What's your name?" I asked and watched the boy slowly tensing up. "We don't bite." Jennie snapped beside me as I nudged her in the tummy. "Shush!"

The boy breathed as he softly muttered, kind of inaudible "H-huening Kai.."

"Huening Gay?" Jennie repeated as I nudged her again. "It's Huening Kai, dumbass!"

"Ouch, that hurts."

I rolled my eyes as I watched Jennie pretending to be hurt. "Now, Huening Kai, may we know the reason why you were passed out?" I asked and waited for his response. The dude however remained silent, looking down. Jennie exhaled beside me, "We don't have all day, mister."

"I.. I actually don't how.." He muttered out.

"Come on, don't tell me you have short term memory thing or something?" Jennie groaned. The boy shook his head, "No, I just don't remember what happened before I passed out..."

"Argh.. But where is your—"

"Jennie!" Jennie froze beside me. "Shit, Yoongi is awake!" I eyed Huening Kai and Jennie before sighing, "I'll sneak out with him. You better find me later." Jennie nodded before flying away in search for her older brother.

"Follow me," I said and crawled under the bed. "W-what are you doing?" The boy asked, looking at me. "Sneaking out. Come on," I opened the secret door under the bed and pulled him in, shutting the door after the both of us went through.

Huening Kai grunted when his bottom hit the ground, rather hardly while I stood on the rock, eyeing his actions. "What are you?"

His eyes widened a little as he glanced at me. "Huh?"

"What are you? You don't have wings, elf ears, dwarf nose or anything that is related to identify yourself as a citizen of Candiland."

"Candiland?" He repeated, head cocking to side. "Um, yeah, Candiland. Wait—" I paused when I noticed his eyes. He didn't had any types of shapes in his eyeballs. Fairies usually have this little heart on the eyeball, just beside the pupil but he didn't. He didn't have the hexagon which was for the dwarf nor did he have a octagon which was for the elves.

"You aren't a mythical creature at all..." I muttered, looking in his eyes, examining it again to prove my mind isn't playing tricks. It was impossible for a human to be in our world. No human could enter this world, no one!

"You can't be a human... Tell me what you are!" I demanded. Huening Kai gulped, backing away a little at the change of my attitude. "Come on, tell me! What are you?" I asked again. He looked down and looked at me, biting his lips. "I'm a... human."

"Holy shit..." I breathed. "Please tell me this is a dream..."

updating schedule:
every saturdary
(and maybe thursday)

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