02 : Human Issue

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[ Door To You ]

I felt another huge rock was thrown to my other side of my shoulder. I was too shock, surprised and nervous to even react right now. To be honest, I don't even know how I was feeling with the response.

I kept gulping my saliva down my throat as I kept thinking and thinking. My eyes went up to the tall, scrawny guy standing awkwardly under my eye as he shifted here and there on his chair. I could tell he was nervous.

I pushed my hair back as I internally cried. What was I supposed to do? I moved him to my secret tree house so no other creatures can see a human standing openly in the field of Candiland. Now what was I supposed to do? Jennie had to run some errands with Yoongi which left me and this human alone. If the king saw this human, we may get into trouble and that might throw another huge rock, twice the size of this human problem onto my shoulder.

Okay, Y/N. Calm down. I spoke to myself in my head. First, investigate this situation. Ask him questions so that you can find a way back to return this human back to that human world as soon as possible. I told myself, exhaling.

"Kai," I called after the several moment of silence between us with me hyperventilating. "If you remember anything, please tell me how did you manage to enter our world. It is impossible. You're the first to enter in our history." I asked, emphasizing on some words.

The human in front of me gulped again as he looked down on his lap. "I.. I actually don't remember." He muttered. I pulled my black locks and screamed internally, turning.

I turned back and faced him, pretending that I totally wasn't in the verge of breaking down a second ago. "You know, tell me about yourself. Who are you? Your family? And, the possible reasons why you came to Candiland."

The human nodded, "I'm Huening Kai. I have a sister, my mother and father and grandparents—" He paused as he looked at my wide eyed. "What?" I asked. "My sister and grandparents are gonna be so worried!" He whispered yelled at me. I saw tears welling up at his eyes as he started to fidget with his fingers. I pursed my lips as I looked out of the treehouse; 2 fairies were flying and judging by their hair, it must be a mother and daughter. I looked back at the human who was terribly shaking hard on his seat.

I breathed in and out and finally came with a conclusion, "I'll help you find a way to be back with your family quick but during this period with you staying with me, I have a few rules you must follow in order for me to guard you."

"Rules?" He repeated. I nodded. "Rule number 1; Always stay by my side," I began. "Please, don't run off anywhere. In order for the rest not to see you, a human here, please stay my side. I don't want any more problems beginning."

The human nodded as I continued, "Rule number 2; Wear this whenever we are out." I pulled out the outfit for the elves which consisted of the green hat and elves ears and green belted shirt. "If you wear this, there will be lesser suspicions from anyone— only if we don't meet one elf. You're gonna be lucky cause I don't socialize with a lot; only Jennie and her brother and my parents whom I'm close to."

"Rule number 3;" The human nodded yet again as he listened to the last rule attentively. "This is kinda strict upon fairies but don't touch our wings. It just, um," I paused, finding a better and right word to explain it as I blushed. "Touching our wings just causes us to go nuts and raises some weird hormones and if we happened to feel those, it takes us a day to recover and if you want us to recover quickly, we have to drink this potion from the witches which is rare to find. There's only 2 witches here. The rest are at Enchanting Isle which is far away from here."

The human responded again by bopping his head, "Noted. Don't touch your wings, wear that and always stay by your side." He said. I smiled and nodded and finally sat on the wooden floor of the tree house.

The human eyed me, chewing his inner cheek as he looked hesitant. I raised a brow, "What do you wanna say?" He coughed a little and looked down, fidgeting his fingers.

"Do you guys have any human food around here for my tummy?"

sksksk the fun is gonna begin soon

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