10 : Falling Like The Stars

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[ Door To You ]

They were getting closer.

The more they walked, the more Y/N felt herself breaking into half. She grew fond to the human's presence to the point that she wanted him to stay.

But she knew he can't.

Those tears, the words and his fake smiles whenever he sees families— He misses his own. She can't force him to stay for her own selfish reasons.

Sighing loudly, she looked down. Huening Kai who walked silently beside her, feeling the cool evening breeze diverted his attention to the fairy. "You good?"

"H-huh? Oh, yeah. I'm good, don't worry!" She smiled, nodding her head before looking down yet again. Huening Kai frowned. Something's in her head.. He thought before he pulled the girl to a tree with orange, yellow leaves.

5:53, that was the time. The bright rays of the setting sun gave a cool orange tinge to the sky. Pushing her down to sit, her back against the tree trunk, Huening Kai settled down opposite her. "I know you're not okay. What's wrong?"

Y/N shook her head, "It's nothing.. Don't worry. I just felt.. out of myself."

Worried, Huening Kai leaned closer and Y/N felt her heartbeat pace quickened. Licking her lips, she looked up, gazing at the sky. "Well," He began. "If you feel somewhat out, then let's take a break. I'm kind of tired too."

Y/N nodded in agreement. Sitting beside the fairy, Huening Kai leaned his head on the tree, looking at the sky. "The sunsets here are really pretty." He commented, softly. Y/N bitterly smiled.

"The sunsets are beautiful, aren't they?"

He nodded. Silence engulfed between them and it was safe to say the silence was comfortable. Their heart beating and breathing being synced, the leaves rustling softly in the background while they had their eyes on the sky, watching the sun sink and the moon making it's appearance.

"Can you lend me your guitar?" He requested softly. Nodding, she passed the little object to him and snapped her fingers, the tiny guitar largening. "What do you want to do with it?"


"What song?" Y/N asked, glancing at him. Huening Kai sent her a cheeky smile before patting his shoulder, gesturing her to lay her head on his shoulder. "Come on, lay your head on here. Make yourself comfortable."

Heat rushed itself to her cheeks as she nervously laughed, rejecting his offer but Huening Kai forcefully pushed her head onto his shoulder. She gulped, blinking her eyes as she made herself comfortable. Her stomach tickled and she felt her face being too hot.


"Shh.." The human hushed her, beginning to strum the acoustic guitar. "I swear to God, when I come home, I'm gonna hold you so close." He sang softly. Soothing vocals met her ears and her tensed self calmed. She closed her eyes, feeling the melody and lyrics.

"And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast, we're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love."

Y/N couldn't help but let her mind think of that lyric. What is he intending?

"With you I'm safe, we're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love.." Huening Kai scooted closer to her, resting his head on top of hers which made her open her eyes abruptly. Oh my god, my heart.. She breathed. Please stop beating so loudly! He would hear it!

Her attention was so focused on her heart that she didn't notice the little glance the human boy sent her, his eyes fondly examining her face.

"He won't take you away cause without you, babe, I lose my way," He sang, strumming and changing the chords.

"Oh, I'm in love.. Oh, I'm in love,"

Sincerity was what she heard in his tone when he sang that line. Her heart was now rapidly beating in an inhumane speed. What is he trying to point at? She asked herself, biting her lower lip in nervousness.

"Y/N? Y/N!"

"Huh?" She pulled back, glancing at him with curious eyes. "You called me?"

A nervous chuckle left Huening Kai's lips as he nodded, "Uh.. yeah.. I did. Did you.." He paused, licking his lips. "Did you like the song?"

A smile painted itself on her face as she nodded, "Yes, I did. What was the title?"

"Falling Like The Stars."

anyways yall the ending is nearing
woohoo :D

fyi if yall didn't know, 'cupid's mistake'
is on a short break so that i can focus on
'door to you'

ngl but am i the only one manifesting
for a 'falling like the stars' hyuka cover-
like i can totally see him singing this and yeah :D-

anyways, enjoy reading :))

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