12 : The Door

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[ Door To You ]
Huening Kai's POV

As soon as I reached the end of the maze, I can already tell that it was midnight. The moon was full on the starless sky, and a slow breeze blew. I gently laid Y/N on the ground and laid next to her, catching my breath. After hours of finding my way out of the maze with Y/N dozing off, I finally made it, tired and breathless.

"Hngh.." Y/N groaned, shifting. Her face was turned over at me and she slowly blinked her eyes open. She stared at me, blinking before a lazy smile had itself spread over her face.

"Good morning~" She hoarsely sang before belting out a yawn. I chuckled, "It's midnight now." Y/N simply nodded and closed her eyes, the smile still on her face.

"Shouldn't we go in there?"

"Hmm.." She hummed. I sighed, throwing my head back tiredly. "Can I tell you something?" I asked, side glancing at her. "You're in your weird hormone moment right now so I doubt you'll be able to remember what I said but," I paused. I licked my lips and continued with a soft sigh. "But I want you to remember my words..."

Y/N remained motionless. I smiled and laid beside her, resting my head on my hand as I gazed at the sky before gazing at Y/N.

"I'll be straightforward with you— I like you." I admitted, sheepishly smiling and blushing. "I like you and I have no reason why.. I just do." 

I looked at the sky and traced my fingers, star to star. "You made my fantasy come true, although it will only last for a short while."


I looked over at Y/N who dozed off, softly snoring as her chest raised up and down in a rhythmic momentum. I smiled at her, beginning to stand up.

Time here sucks. Why must it be fast?



I stood in front of the large door which opened up the moment I stepped into the premise. I gulped as I walked slowly, Y/N still asleep on my back. I walked in, soon coming face to face with a fairy and witch who popped out at the distance. They watched me timidly walk towards them, mumbling incoherent 'hellos'.

The fairy who I assumed was the queen Y/N was talking about all along smiled, standing in front of me in a prim and proper posture.

"Why hello, fellow creatizen! What can we do for you?" The queen fairy greeted, flickering her eyes both from me to Y/N. I coughed softly, letting Y/N down. "Hi, um," I began. "My friend right now is not herself. I accidentally touched her wings and so she is in her 'weird' hormones. Can you help me to awake her?" I explained. The witch who stood beside the queen clicked her tongue with a smile. "Sure, sure! Bring her to me." She exclaimed. I carried Y/N, giving the younger girl to the witch before backing away.

The witch snapped her fingers. A bottle of liquid, a mix of purple and blue popped into the air. I watched how the older lady opened Y/N's mouth before pouring the liquid into her mouth.

A few seconds went by, Y/N still being still. "It will take a few seconds more for her to be awaken." The witch chirped and after she said it, Y/N opened her eyes. She gasped, abruptly and breathed heavily. "God, I had the weirdest dr— O-oh!" Y/N exclaimed, eyeing at me and the 2 older ladies who still grinned ear to ear.

Y/N instantly bowed. I followed, not knowing what to do. Blinking helplessly, I looked over at Y/N who cleared her throat. "Your majesty, I'm Y/N. I'm here tonight to," She paused, looking over at me. "I'm here to send him, a human back to his universe."

"Aah..!" The queen nodded, looking over at me which I nodded at with an awkward laugh. "So you're human, hm? How did you get transported here?"

"I don't know."

The queen nodded before she clapped her hands and chanted something under her breath. Y/N gave me a glance as she whispered, "Don't be scared." I inhaled and nodded.


I abruptly turned my head, facing the sudden popped out object. There, it stood. Purplish-blue fog glowing on it's side.

The door is here. The gateway back home.

last chance, choose your fighter!
happy or sad hm??

also the book will end tomorrow!
thanks for the endless support ^^

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