06 : First Step

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[ Door To You ]

Morning came, the serene and sunny looking sun rose in the blue canvas. Trees blew together with the breeze. Y/N stood below the tree, waiting for Huening Kai to get down. After seeing how vulnerable he looked, she decided that she will find a way to bring him back home, even if it meant meeting danger on the way.

"YAH!" Y/N yelled, looking up at the treehouse, getting irritated at the fact it's been 15 minutes and he's not done. "WHO'S THE GIRL HERE? YOU OR ME, HUH?"

"Coming.." Huening Kai's voice trailed softly as he peeked his head out. Y/N scoffed but softened once she saw his face. His eyes were swollen and his nose was slightly pink. Y/N looked away, "Hurry up then, we don't have all day."

A few seconds went by and sounds of footsteps reached Y/N's ear. She fixed her gaze on him, realizing his head was hung low.

"Are you—"

"Can you please ignore the fact you saw me looking like that last night? Please forget what even happened last night. Every single thing from me crying to you comforting me," Huening Kai uttered out, cutting what Y/N wanted to ask. "I.. The conversation and my confession, just ignore that even happened."

Y/N silently stared at him who also stared back at her, his eyes and smile in a way that begged her to ignore last night's events.

"Alright," She sighed before painting a smile back on her face. Both of them began their journey, walking side by side in a comfortable silence. Huening Kai looked around, admiring the scenery and nature. Candiland looked different from earth. Maybe the blue sky and night sky was an exception because the rest looked way different. It looked so Indie aesthetic for Huening Kai, it felt so happy. They were surrounded by bright colors everywhere they go. Trees will be in a happy shade of green and brown, the blue sky will be in a cheery shade of blue and it rarely rained. The trees, mushrooms, grass and water fountains they met along the way, they all looked beautiful.

Leaning closer towards Y/N, Huening Kai pointed to a red with white polka dotted mushroom. "Are those mushrooms poisonous and what are they?"

Y/N traced to where he pointed to and glanced at it before turning her attention back to the front. "That, my friend, is a mushroom like you said. We usually use them to play with or for shelters. See over there," She pointed at a few dwarfs at a distance away who were jumping on the mushroom. "Oh.." Huening Kai muttered. She took a peek at him, "Do you want to try it?"


"Jumping on the mushroom? I swear it's fun!"

Huening Kai tilted his head, debating whether he should take the chance or just continue walking to who knows where Y/N was leading him to. Y/N seemed to have read him as she chuckled, grabbing his hand and pulled him towards a mushroom that was closer to them.

"Uh.." Huening Kai muttered as he got pulled onto the mushroom. It felt smooth yet mushy under his feet. Y/N was jumping up and down, trying to pull him into the mood which successfully she managed as both of them began jumping up and down, smiles and giggles beginning to coat over them.

"Told ya it will be fun!" Y/N sang out. "It's fun if you have someone with you but alone, it's really lonely and sad. I mean personally that's how I feel when it comes to jumping onto this mushrooms."

"Aren't mushrooms of this kind poisonous?" Asked Huening Kai, his head cocking to the side as he queried.

Y/N shrugged, "Depends. In Candiland, it's not poisonous. I don't know about your world and all, but it might be poisonous for you so I suggest you not to taste this thing."

Y/N slowly hopped down and landed on the grass, leaving Huening Kai still jumping. She stared at him, examining him. Surely, humans looked different from fairies. He had eyes and no shaped pupils. She found them endearing; The way it glistened and looked like the universe with tiny stars coating it. She looked away before looking back up but not at his eyes, not wanting to be caught staring and mesmerized.

"I don't know if it's true but is life short for you humans?"

Huening Kai stared at her, "Is living up to 100 years old short?"

Y/N grimaced, "You expect me to know that when I literally asked you that?" Huening Kai jumped down and plopped down beside her. She continued, "My professor taught us that human life is short and they live only once so they should make the best out of it all but I don't quite understand what he meant."

"Oh— I mean, yeah we do live once but there are myths that tells us that we have 9 lives but again, it's just a myth. And, if you are a student in the human world, you will understand why life is short." 

"Okay, I guess.." Y/N mumbled, standing up. As usual, she couldn't understand what he meant but she processed whatever he said into her mind. Seeing Y/N standing up, the human boy followed and both of them soon continued to embark on their journey.

"Where are we going?" Huening Kai questioned. They've been walking for the past half an hour and he had no clue.

Y/N gave him a huge grin, "We are going to find a way to bring you back to the human world!"

"And how?"

"The queen!" She exclaimed. "The queen will help to send you back! But, it's a long way there which means we would have to camp out on nights."

Huening Kai nodded, "But how are we going to camp without any tent?"

Pointing towards the little purple colored bag on her back, Y/N ejaculated, "Backpack! This bag has everything we need for our long journey!"

"Oh, so um you are Dora now?"

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