05 : Lonely Feeling

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[ Door To You ]

Night fell in a blink of an eye. Stars glistened on the pale black marble sky. The moon sat alone in the sky, just like Huening Kai.

An inaudible sob left his lips as he sat in the corner of the treehouse. His bed, made by Y/N which consisted of a pillow and blanket laid in front of him, watching him cry, tears rolling down his pale cheeks and dampening his white shirt which Y/N gave him.

"I-" He choked on his tears as he mumbled out incoherent words. His throat tightened and his intake of breath shortened as the thought of things.

I want to go home. He thought.

That's the only thing he wanted. He wanted to be in his grandparents' warm embracement, bicker with his sister, talk to his parents, be reading his books. Not be stuck in this land he once fantasized about with no one.

"I'm stupid.. so stupid" Mumbled Huening Kai as he hugged his knees closer to his body. "I should've followed my grandparents.." He muttered shakily. "Even if I didn't, I shouldn't have let my curiosity get the best of me.. look where I am right now." He spoke to himself.

"I have no one right now," He mumbled, tears continuing to fall like rain. "Not even Molang.." His eyes wetted with tears. Every now and then, his hands would go up to wipe his tears but, the tears continued to fall like a running tap.

He was lonely, just like the moon. Except, he wasn't shining, instead was bawling.


On the other hand, Y/N laid on her bed. Her eyes stared at the ceiling as if it was something unusual. Unlike the other nights where she would be crying or dreaming to fall asleep, something kept bugging her to cause her to be up tonight.

She bit her lower lip as she turned, hugging herself.

Is that human okay over there? Should I go and check? Was it a bad idea to let him sleep there?

Her thoughts ran in her mind, one after another. She was getting worried second by second as she thought of him.

She turned again and adjusted herself. Maybe I should go and check? Since I can't sleep, might as well visit that place and later on go and do my thing. She thought and pushed herself up. She didn't even bother to fix her hair as she went to take her favorite instrument; the ukelele which Jennie gifted her.

As soon as she took it, she jumped out of her window and began walking. The calm breeze hit her and flew along with her hair. The moonlight shone her way through as she ambled. It was only a 3-5 minutes walk. The big tree with her treehouse came in sight as she thought of Huening Kai.

She heard soft sobs from the top which made her furrow her eyebrows, instantly climbing the ladder to reach the top. Before she goes and reveal herself, she stopped right below the door that will lead her in.

"I have no one right now.. Not even Molang.."

Huening Kai's shaky words pulled a string on her heart as she immediately softened. She could hear his lonely cries as he mumbled incoherent words under his breath. Taking a deep breath, she took another step and poked her head up, revealing herself.

Huening Kai upon seeing her, wiped his tears hastily and put on a smile but his swollen eyes and red cheeks proved her right that he was crying. Y/N licked her lips as she entered, sitting opposite Huening Kai as she stared at him, examining.

His hair was disheveled, face tear stained and his nose was red. His shirt also had his tears marked on it, even on the wooden floor.

"Huening.." Y/N trailed as she finally looked at his face. Huening Kai painfully smiled hoping to cover up that he wasn't crying 10 seconds ago. "Y-yes? What are y-you doing here? Aren't y-you supposed to be a-asleep?"

Y/N's heart shattered as she saw how Huening Kai choked on his tears while tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I heard what you said.."

Hastily wiping his tears, he laughed and shook his head, "What did I say? I-I wasn't saying anything."

"Huening ah.. I want you to know you aren't alone.." Y/N softly whispered. "You've got me.. I'll be there if you need me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, Huening Kai, don't lie to me."

Huening Kai's gaze dropped onto his lap as he played with his fingers. Y/N gazed at him, worried. Her eyes then went to her ukulele that sat beside her. An idea popped in her head as she smiled a little and got it, immediately strumming a tune. The boy who was biting on his lower lip looked up.

"You've got a friend in me.." Y/N sang whilst her hands strummed. "You've got a friend in me."

Huening Kai shook his head as he hugged himself. Y/N continued singing, hoping he would know that she would be his friends, even if it will be for a short time.

"You've got a friend in me, You've got a friend in me.." Y/N softly whispered, "You got troubles, I've got 'em too.."

However, Huening Kai was shaking head continuously. He felt happy to know Y/N would be there for him but it still didn't make him feel okay.

Sighing, her fingers stopped strumming and her lips stopped moving. She stopped singing.

"Huening-ah, I will be your listening ear.. What do you have that you want to let it out? Even if it's just tears, let it all out. Instead of an useless conversation, I rather be in an awkward silence with you."

song name:
you've got a friend in me
— Toy Story, Izzie Naylor ukulele cover

we need some angst too :)

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