Epilogue : Sad Ending

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[ Door To You ]

"I'll give you 2 some time alone to speak. If you are done talking, you may leave through the door." The queen said, walking away with the witch who gave the 2 of them thumbs up.

Y/N turned her attention to Huening Kai before looking behind him where the door levitated. She felt her heart cracking a little. Letting a sigh escape his lips, Huening Kai stepped closer and held Y/N's hands into his. His warmth wrapped itself around her.

"So is this it?"

Y/N forced the tears that stung her eyes to keep away. She didn't want to cry in front of him at the moment. He was going to leave and she can't break the normal mood between them into something vulnerable.

She gulped and forced a smile, "I guess so."

"How are you answering it so simply?"

Y/N looked away. She took her hands back and his warmth immediately disappeared. She mentally winced as her own coldness coated her.

"You need to go," She mumbled.

"I guess I have to." Y/N looked up, watching the human turn his head towards the door. He hadn't moved yet as only his gaze was glued to the door. Y/N gulped. Should I or should I not hug him for the last time? I don't want to tell him my feelings.. I want him back home without him thinking of my confession.

"Hey Y/N?" The human called, stepping closer. Y/N hummed quietly, her doe eyes meeting the human eyes that she claimed to hold the entire universe. "Please don't hate me for this."

Y/N was taken aback the moment she felt the human's warm lips pressed against hers gently. She gasped softly before melting into his touch. She stepped closer and hugged him tight. Huening Kai took the lead, kissing her as if it was his last which in fact was. Y/N desperately savored his lips, just like how he was doing.

Just as Y/N wanted to deepen the kiss even more as to feel more, Huening Kai stepped back with a soft smile. Y/N breathed heavily, biting her lower lip with tears at the edge of her eyes.

"I need to go," Huening Kai muttered, stepping back. His gaze was still on Y/N who was watching him take a step. "I have to go." He mumbled and stood at the edge. One more step and he'll be sucked into the portal to his world.

Gulping down the lump stuck in her throat, Y/N waved at him with a beam. "Go." She encouraged. The human looked back before at the girl. "Are you sure?" He queried. "...Very." She confirmed after a pause.


Huening Kai froze. Y/N engulfed him into another hug, right before the moment he was about to take his last step back to fall into the portal.

"Don't forget me, please. I promise I'll not forget you too." Y/N cried, her tears falling onto his shirt. Huening Kai patted her back. "I won't.. I won't forget you." He mumbled. "But—"

He stumbled back accidentally. Y/N's eyes widened in shock as she shook her head, "No, no, no! Kai!" She exclaimed, falling onto her knees. 

The door disappeared, Huening Kai too.

Tears fell out of her eyes. "No.. I didn't properly bid you goodbye. You couldn't just leave." She cried out loud, punching her hand onto the marble-made ground.

A soft gasp left her lips as she felt her wings moving. She turned and watched her wings upgrade, the once lifeless, grey looking wings now turning into something colorful. More tears fell as she finally realized.

He was my significant other.


Huening Kai awoke on a bed in a white room. Beeps faintly beeped in the room as he looked around. Right beside him stood a heartbeat monitor.

I'm in the hospital.

He breathed out. His mind wandered to the earlier events. He got sucked into the door and he couldn't even say proper goodbyes. The sound of a door sliding reached his ear as he looked over, a familiar female entering.

The younger female once seeing Huening Kai awake, gasped. She rushed to him and engulfed him into a hug, her tears running free.

"Oppa! Gosh, what happened to you?! Why were you laying unconscious when me and grandpa and grandma came back?! We got so scared! What happened?!" Huening Kai's sister, Bahiyyih wept, clutching onto her brother.

Huening Kai sighed, "I don't know but," He responded with a soft smile. He caressed his little sister's hair comfortingly. "But your oppa sure did have a long, nice dream."

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