Chapter 6 - Final Chapter

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"Hizashi, there is an emergency meeting at Nighteye's Agency, get whoever heroes you come across on." Aizawa quickly said on the phone as he walks (not really walks, he is practically running at this point) towards the police station to help Tsukauchi get the records and evidence against Midoriya. Yamada made a disbelieving noise on the other line, but Aizawa knew better, he knows that Hizashi is overwhelmed right now.

If Aizawa is being honest with himself, he is too. This is his former student that he is talking about, one that he contributed to making the boy who he is today. The one he desperately tried to avoid for his students to turn into besides being a dead body.

"Wait, Yagi and I are in U.A. because Nedzu seemed to be missing. There is a note that said that he is resting on his on-campus house so Yagi went to check on him and I stayed in the office to check the principal's compiled evidence." Yamada informed his friend and that momentarily stopped Aizawa in his tracks. How can he forget about the Principal's own investigation? But most importantly;

"Wait, how did you get access to his evidence?" He questioned and Yamada immediately answered, not wasting time as Aizawa can hear his friend's footsteps on the other line.

"Well, the note had the pin for the safe...but you know what is worrying, Shouta?" Yamada asked, and Aizawa hummed questioningly, nodding as Tsukauchi asked him if he was talking to Yamada and left him to his call. It was quiet for a few seconds, and Shouta almost didn't hear what Hizashi said to the phone due to the sudden low volume of the blonde's voice.

"Midoriya's birthday is the pin for Nedzu's safe. Don't you find it fishy?" His blonde friend whispered on the other line.

Aizawa felt his world stop. He should have expected this and yet... isn't it a bit too soon?

Based on what Yamada said, the only logical conclusion is that the principal is dead. And most likely, Midoriya killed him. The question

U.A.'s security is practically unbreakable at this point seeing as they needed to protect the students from villains who made it seem it's their personal mission to attack them. It's immensely harder to break compared to their security when Midoriya was still a student and from what Nezu told him, he based the security from the top maximum-security facilities in the world by using his connections.

His mind went back to the time he teaches Midoriya and compared it to the bone-chilling voice he heard when the villain killed his former student, who is the real traitor all along.

He never thought that a child like Midoriya can become the mastermind like he is now.

But it's your fault, isn't it?

The erasure hero's hand clenches on the paper he is holding, willing himself to forget the young boy they have taken for granted. A lot of people can change, and dozens of factors can contribute to them.

Unfortunately for Aizawa, he knows he is one of the factors that the kid became like this.

"Shouta? Are you alright?" His friend asked in concern, the sudden silence making Yamada worry for the man. Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

The underground hero knows he won't be able to do much, but he will do whatever he can to finish this nightmare they have made. He snatched the last compiled evidence on the table before going for the door.

"Hizashi. Are there any teachers left in the school?" Aizawa asked as he walks out of the station, and it took Yamada a few seconds to answer his question.

"I don't think so." The blonde answered on the other line and Aizawa sighed again. This is really taking a toll on his emotional state.

"Okay. Please bring all Nedzu's evidence to the meeting. I think he might have found something important." He requested to his friend who gave an affirmative hum afterward.

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