Chapter 4

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A/N...Yeah, I never expected online school to be this hectic to the point I barely had time for myself and having a minimum of 2 to 5 hours of sleep. Well, I should have known that will happen, being in a specialized cage-- uhm, school and all. Please forgive me, I'm still fixing my shit.


"Everything's set up?" Izuku asks in his mic as he types on his computer, preparing for his mission today, or rather tonight. The people he's communicating with gave an affirmative in their untraceable chatbox, and Izuku felt his lips stretch into a grin.

He stands up and stretches, before staring at the clock. He still had time, so maybe he'll pass by a tea shop to buy some quality tea.


As much as he wants to go to his on-site house in the school and rest, Nedzu found himself working overtime in his office at night, compiling the pieces of evidence that is present against Midoriya.

He knows there is a high chance that Todoroki might know exactly what happened in Endeavor's murder, and he also knows that the man probably saw Midoriya in the murder and might have more evidence against the green-haired villain, but they can't get the answer if the witness is still not awake. So he just settled on analyzing the murders.

Midoriya's murders don't seem to have a pattern in the ways on how he did it, but Nedzu knows better.

The people were killed either in accordance with the weaknesses of their quirk or just by the sheer irony of something relating to them. The prisoners murdered in Tartarus are killed in consideration of their quirks, while Kaminari and Endeavor are killed based on a grudge and was killed in the most ironic way as possible. And the police didn't think about this in consideration.

Kaminari being killed by mutilation because he is the cause of Midoriya breaking apart and Endeavor burned to death because of what he did to the villains and his children. And since Dabi is most likely present in the second hero murder, he now had evidence and is fully sure that the man was Endeavor's missing son. He already had the suspicion in the earlier days that the man is the hero's son because of the color of his flames, but the lack of photos of Todoroki Touya and the change of appearance made it difficult to prove his claim.

In conclusion, there is a very high chance that Midoriya's next target will be either his former teachers, Bakugou Katsuki, or him, the principal.

As he was writing his findings in his journal that he had just for this case, an alert popped up and pinged in his computer. Nedzu immediately abandoned writing in his journal then looked over the alert.

Someone is infiltrating the firewalls. Nedzu took his journal and locked it in his safe along with the other evidence he had, before checking on the alert again.

One person seems to hack into U.A., and is slowly infiltrating it by a malware that is breaking the firewalls. That can be fixed. Nedzu immediately opened his tracking and defending program but before he can even do anything several alerts popped up on his screen, blaring in its number.

His paws on the mouse paused as he saw the sheer number of alerts. How on earth these many people hack into the system at the same time? Unless...It's an organized attack. He suddenly felt dread course through him.

Midoriya is faster than he thought.

The moment he realized that, one of the hackers already infiltrated and made the lights of the building go out, leaving only Nedzu in the dark. He hears some footsteps that are coming from the outside of his office, before it completely ceased when the lock clicked and the door creaked open.

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