Chapter 3

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Todoroki Enji, commonly known in his hero name of Endeavor, was found in his office in his home, scowling at the pieces of paper called a newspaper. He is trying so hard not to burn these papers, his eyes trailing on the name of a villain, as a certain kid passed by his mind.

Deku. Everyone knows who Deku is, what he did on his hero-in-training days, and what he now did as a villain. To the heroes, he was known as Midoriya Izuku, the boy who fought villains alongside them but in the end betrayed them all.

Some people in the society called him the fallen one. The one who the hero society failed.

At some point, Enji might agree with them, but dare he say it, the boy deserves it. He thinks that the kid is just making a show now, because he is outed to the people to be the traitor of UA. Common knowledge is that when the traitor cover is blown, their true personality comes to light.

And now they see the true personality of the boy they thought is a ray of sunshine. He scoffed, he already knew at the first glance that the boy was trouble. Now his son must have realized he was right from the start.

He placed the paper on the table and was about to stand up when he heard some footsteps, the sound coming near his location. He flared up his quirk, glaring at the door on whoever comes to it. A few seconds later, the wooden door- one that is reinforced to resist Endeavor's flames, combusted into ash, to reveal the person on the other side.

Dabi. Enji scowled, his glare directed at the villain.

"Hey, how's the society's trash can hero is faring?" The villain smirked, completely ignoring how Endeavor is glaring and scowling at him.

"Dabi. If you think you can come out alive from my home, you are gravely mistaken." Enji growled, flaring up his quirk more then threw a fireball at the villain, who just expertly dodge it.

"Oh, really Dad? That's how you welcome your son? Figures, you left me for dead once and you are willing to do it again. Oh well. Maybe I can give you a reverse card?" The villain smugly smiled at him and Enji froze, suddenly the memories of his eldest son invaded his mind. That's impossible, he left Touya on the verge of death in their old house, so he shouldn't be alive!

"You-...Touya?! You are dead!" He flared up his quirk again, this time with rage, and threw a barrage of flames to the villain, who just overpowered it with his own blue fire.

He knew Dabi had blue fire but he didn't know that it was much stronger than his! Why he didn't see the connection the first time?

"So are you. Wait let me rephrase that, so will you." Dabi glared as he upped the power of his quirk, completely overpowering Endeavor's flames. If Enji didn't dodge in time, the fire might have gotten him.

The hero flared up his quirk again, only to find it gone the next. He looked around confused, before settling on the figure in the hallway who is looking at him with glowing red eyes.

Is that Eraserhead?

"Touya, give your old man some slack! It's his last day after all!" The voice resounded from the hallway, footsteps creaking on the hardwood. Dabi only scoffed, before making a way for the other villain to go in since he is blocking the way.

The figure reached the door and there Endeavor saw green hair and freckles shining in the meager light he had on the room. It's Deku. The green-haired villain grins at him, his eyes glowing red indicating the use of quirk.

He's pretty sure it's Eraserhead's quirk, but how did the villain get it? As far as he knew the boy was quirkless when he was transported to the Tartarus, unless...

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