Chapter 5

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Yagi found it odd when Nedzu didn't answer any of his calls today. Nor the calls he had yesterday. Today is the day where Aizawa will go to the hospital to visit Young Todoroki and Nedzu said that they should meet up that day so that they can plan on what to do about Midoriya.

He called again when he passed the entrance of U.A., and same as the calls yesterday and today, he still didn't answer. He walked through the corridors and found it calming that it is nearly devoid of students, since it was weekend, and most of them are inside their dorms. There are some students that loitered and greeted him, and he greeted them back before going back on walking again. After a few minutes, he finally found his destination and sighed. He knocked on the door, knowing that if Nedzu didn't answer his calls, there is only one answer.

He's probably too deep on his work again that he muted all his communications except the emergency ones. After a knock, he began to worry when he heard no answer on the other side nor a sudden opening of the door. He knocked again and called out, "Principal, it's me. Are you there?" There was no answer again and this time Toshinori gulped. There is clearly something wrong here.

After three more knocks and receiving no answer, he had enough and just barged through the door, which was surprisingly and terrifyingly...opened.

Nedzu never leaves his door opened. That's another red flag.

He looked throughout the room and found out the principal wasn't there. His heart began to speed up in fear and worry.

His eyes landed in a piece of paper that is carefully folded on the top of the principal's desk, and Yagi picked it up before opening it.

To whoever reading this, I just finished compiling the evidence and left them in my safe. The pin is 0715. I'll be resting in my house and if you ever need me you can go there.


He stared at the note longer than he should. He doesn't feel relief when he read the note, rather he felt fear ran through him. Sure it looks like it was Nedzu who wrote it but why would he address the note in general when he knew he'll be meeting him? The pin is suspicious too, he found it oddly familiar but can't remember it.

He dialed a number and waited for the person on the other line answer. It answered after three rings. "Yo Yagi, what are you calling for?" The man on the other line enthusiastically greeted but Yagi knew better than not to notice the worry in its undertone. "Yamada, can you stop by the principal's office?" Yagi asked and there was a silence for a while before he heard a hum, "Yeah, I think I don't have any urgent matters on my schedule so I'll stop by. Do I want to know why?" Yamada questioned and Yagi bit his lip a little, before sighing, "You should see it personally." Yagi hang up and waited for the blonde man to show up.

About five minutes later, Yamada burst into the room and made eye contact with Yagi, panting. "It's good that I'm nearby the school..." He breathes out, "So what is it?!" The man frantically asked and Yagi slightly winced, he forgot that he suddenly hang up on the man. He gave him a sympathetic look.

"Just...see this." Yagi walked over to Yamada and gave him the note. After Yamada read the note, Yagi noticed that the man paled.

"Nedzu never leaves notes to us, he prefers a text rather than a note..." He murmured. "This is certainly fishy. Yagi, you're going to check on him?" Yamada asked as he moves to the safe and glances at the paper for the pin again.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that something might have happened to him," Yagi said as he walked through the door but stopped when he saw Yamada frozen in his spot. "Yamada?" He called out.

"The pin for the safe..." The man trailed off, before sighing and looked up to Yagi, "Its Midoriya's birthday." The man grimly stated and Yagi's eyes widened. After that, it was all a blur as he dashed out of the principal's office and ran towards Nedzu's house on campus.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why he didn't notice that! The note itself is suspicious so why he hadn't connected it! He prays that the principal is alright, that he is indeed resting in his home and he just put that pin because that safe contains Midoriya's case files. Besides, only a little amount of people knew young Midoriya's birthday, since he doesn't like celebrating it.

And Yagi, being the dumbass he is, forgets it when it is important. Idiot. He reaches the door of Nedzu's on-campus house and didn't even bother to knock like earlier and just barged at the door and looked around again for signs of Nedzu. He was nowhere to be found in the kitchen nor the living room, so that only leaves him one choice. The bedroom.

He silently walked towards the closed door, his heart pounding in his chest. He stopped for a moment and knocked.

No answer. He knocked again. No answer again. He opened the door, which is suspiciously open again and found Nedzu in his bed, eyes closed.

He looks like he is sleeping. Yagi sighs in relief. He moves closer to the bed to see if Nedzu is alright but froze when he inspected the principal. He is literally unmoving. Yagi removed the blanket that is covering the principal and doesn't see the occasional rise and fall in the chest when someone is sleeping. Even if Nedzu is an animal, he still acts like a human. Such as sleeping, it was said to the faculty to avoid questions.

He checked his pulse and found nothing. Nothing but a cold temperature of a dead body. Yagi felt bile rise in his throat but tried his best to hold it as he dials Yamada's number.

He didn't answer. What?

He tried to call again and the same thing happened.

He looked at his reception, it was fine so maybe something or someone was interfering with his calls.

"And that would be me."

Yagi jumped and looked around. Then his eyes landed and widened at the person sitting in a chair beside the door. He stepped back, as the boy, no, he's a man now...stalks towards him with a grin on his face.

A grin that is oh so different from the boy he knew.

"What happened to you..." Yagi murmured as he stopped the tears that threatened to spill at the sight of his former successor in front of him, madness shining in his eyes.

Midoriya looked at him incredulously, "What happened to me? That's the biggest question in the past two years isn't it?" He laughs bitterly before smiling, "The answer is painfully obvious, All Might," The green-haired man spat out, venom laced in his words as his eyes changed into sheer hatred directed at Yagi, "You happened. So I thank you for that, for making me who I am today. I'm sure Izuku is happy in heaven." He smirked as he stops two steps away from the blonde man.

"Young Midoriya, you don't have to do this. Please, "He croaked out, "Just come back to us." Yagi pleaded, holding out his hand, "I'm sorry that I've been a fool for so long. I'm sorry that I let that happen to you. Make no mistake I won't let it happen again. Just come back to us."

Midoriya looks down, his face softening as he seemed to consider Yagi's words.

Unknown to Yagi, Izuku's lips twitched upward at the pathetic sight of his former mentor. He looks so pitiful, pleading at his former student to come back to them.

At one point, or about one and a half years ago, he might have considered it. But he's too late.

Izuku laughs as he holds the small pistol in his vest pocket, then looked up to meet his former mentor in the eye. "How about no?"

He grinned as he immediately pulled out the pistol from its hiding place and pulled the trigger.

His former mentor dropped on the floor, unmoving. Izuku huffed, putting back his weapon inside his pocket. He's thankful that he didn't forget to put the silencer. He looks over the body again, his brain briefly giving him some flashes of memory he had with this man.

He smiled sadly, as he fished out his phone and dialed Touya's number.

How pathetic.

His fingers raised up to touch his face, seeing there are some tears falling. Why is that? He gritted his teeth in annoyance.

How pathetic. Midoriya Izuku.

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