Chapter 2

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I hate going to balls. Every night my dad plans a ball for the school and makes a long list of girls for me to dance with. No one in the friend group ever goes so I'm always alone. I threw on the green suit my dad prepared for me and slicked my short blond hair back. I knew it wouldn't stay like that so I didn't really try to keep like that. The hall started at 8 so I had a few hours and decided I might just get there early when I ran into Aster. Aster is Sage's older brother as well as prince of the ice fairies.
"Uh hey Aster" my voice wavered when I said it
"Oh! Hey Jamie!" Aster didn't notice my shaking voice
"Do you want to go to the ball with me? Just as friends!" While it all came tumbling out of my mouth the last part was just a second thought
"Yeah sure let me go get ready!" Apparently Aster thought nothing of us going to the ball together
My dad hires and announcer to announce our names and titles when we arrive at the ballroom.
"Sir Jamie of the earth fairies" Just like every night I walked out.
I sat though hundreds of more names and was beginning to think that Aster decided not to come.
"Prince Aster of the ice fairies" Aster strode out in a similar green vest to my own.
Aster and I met and walked side by side to the balcony that overlooked that dance floor.
We stood so close that I could hear his breathing.
"I um I like your bow tie." Aster had a rainbow bow tie which made sense cause he is bisexual.
"Oh yeah thanks! Jamie you're shaking!" Aster was always very blunt
"I'm just cold." I wasn't cold. I didn't know what I was.
I moved closer to him and wrapped my fingers in his. We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"You're hands are warm." I don't know why I said that
"Your hands are cold and sweaty." Wait my hands were sweaty?
More silence
"Can I tell you something?" I don't know what I wanted to tell him
"Uh yeah of course!" I love how happy Aster is
"I um...never mind!" I was embarrassed so I quickly let go of his hand and ran back to my dorm

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