Chapter 6

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"I love you too." His words were so quiet but inside of me they created fires.
I lifted up my head and didn't care that I looked like a mess.
I saw Aster. I saw a handsome prince that I loved sitting so close to me that I could hear his jagged breathing.
I looked into his watery eyes and knew mine must look similar.
I moved even closer to Aster while making sure he didn't look uncomfortable. I reached out and held his face in my hands. I was moving my head towards his when I heard the wings beating behind me. Our bodies jerked so far away from each other so fast that I became light headed.
"Oh my gosh did you guys kiss yet!?!" Star had to ruin the moment.
"Well have you kissed Ann yet?" I shot back at her with a glare. With that she narrowed her eyes at us and flew away.
Aster stood up, flattened his dress and walked out. The bell chimed and the ball was over.
I shook my head and realized that I had just cried over a boy. I had just almost kissed a boy. I am straight. I like girls.
I tried to do homework but my mind keep going to bad places. Defeated I went to bed.

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