Chapter 4

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I hate all of my classes but baking is by far the worst! Of course I don't have to participate in any of my classes because my dad fixes my grades anyways but sometimes it's fun. During baking when all the girls as cooking I just sit at the door and wait for all the cupcakes. The cupcakes never taste good, it's just fun to see how many I get! My record in one day 38 but today I only got 23.
When I was flying back to the main building I ran into Star. She hasn't ever been to the school. For the past 3 years shes had to stay at home alone. Mainly because our dad refused to let her stay at the school which we were always at. Due to Star being at home alone she got lonely. Star ended up getting at pet ferret. It's a nasty little thing that looks like a raccoon and is always getting into trouble. For some reason she named it Grogu. I don't even know where she got such a bad name!
I had an unusually large amount of girls approach me today. I mean lots of girls approach me every day but today seemed to be more than normal. I know that none of the girls actually like me. Well they like me for my title. My dad is always sending girls my way! I don't like any of the girls he sets me up with.
"Could Jamie Plath please come to my office?"
That's odd normally people don't get called to my dads office in the middle of the day, especially not me!
When I got to his office he was looking sternly at the door but his face lightened when he saw my walk in.
"Jamie. I don't have all day to talk so I need to answer my question." My father spoke harshly
"Oh uh yeah sure dad." His eyes seemed to be stabbing me.
"Do you like any girls?" He made sure to emphasize the word girls
"No." No wasn't a lie, I didn't like any GIRLS.

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