Chapter 3

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I didn't make it to my dorm. Instead I met Lucinda leaving Ann's dorm.
"What? Why do you look so sad?" She read me like a book
"'s just Aster." Aster. How did I feel about Aster?
"Are you dating yet?" I don't know why she would ask that
"No! I'm straight!" Am I?
"Sureee!" She was just mocking me at this point
Lucinda then walked away and into her own dorm
I walked into mine
I sat down on the couch and put my hand in my hands
My dad had married Star's mom. Star never knew her dad. Shorty after they married Star's mom died. No one knows how she died but my father. He said her whole body shook violently before she just died. I never knew my mom and my dad won't tell me anything.
I'm being to think love isn't real. I mean I remember Star telling me that she had a crush on Ann. That was a while ago though so I'm not sure if she still likes her.
I hop on my computer and start doing homework but I don't try that hard. I hear the bell ring at 11 signaling the end of the ball. I decide now is a good time to go to bed.
When I wake up my hair is a mess and I scramble to comb it out. My father makes me wear something green every day, says it's supposed to show that I'm an earth fairy. I slip on a green sweater and rush out of my door just in time for first period.

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