Chapter 8

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I hadn't spoken to anyone in the group other than Sage since I told Aster I loved him. I couldn't love him. I didn't love him. I love women.

Rather than put on blue dress (see dress at top) I had stolen from Ann. I didn't know why she had a blue dress but whatever. I knew Aster was from the ice kingdom so I wanted to wear a blue dress to symbolize that. I had never worn a dress before so it was a little weird but I made it work.

At the ball my name was called and walked into the ballroom. I knew practically everyone was looking at me and that my father wouldn't like this at all.

I walked around the ball a little before I heard the door swing open.
"Prince Aster of the ice fairies."
Aster. I had never seen him more handsome. He had on a traditional nature fairy suit that was extremely elegant and beautiful. My jaw practically dropped when I saw him. I resisted kissing him then and there.
He barely glanced at me as he walked over to some girl. I couldn't see who it was because she had her back turned towards me. I saw Aster stiffly bow and kiss the back of the girls hand. I moved to see who the girl was. Star! What! I didn't even hear her name announced! What the hell!? Then they started dancing. It was a formal waltz. What the hell!?? Watched as they finished their dancing. I was about to go and confront them when Star pulled Aster in and kissed him! He was momentarily shocked but then kissed her back.
"The results of the dance king and queen have come in. The king is.... Prince Aster of the ice fairies! The dance queen is................... Sir Jamie of the earth fairies! Please take your places at the thrones." What!? I couldn't believe it! How was it me and Aster? I flew down off the balcony towards the thrones. It was awkward flying in a dress.
Aster hasn't sat down yet and was standing in front of his thrown. I landed next to him and whispered
"You asshole."
"You did it first." Was all Aster whispered back
I mean he had a point I did kiss that girl but it wasn't his sister!
I looked over at him and grabbed his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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