Chapter 10 - Aftermath

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||A/N: This chapter consists of scenes from the episode 'Requiem' but with my own twist to it. Some scenes are not completely like in the episode and some may be, and then again I have some scenes where I have mixed it. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy it! 

"I'm fine, Director."

Sheppard rose a brow and crossed her arms above her chest, eyeing her agent closely, "Agent Gray. You've been through quite the ordeal, and to be honest, you look like hell. You certainly are not fine."

"With all due respect, Director. When I say that I'm fine, then rest assured that I AM fine," Olivia almost stubbornly countered, fists balled up.

"I'm simply concerned about you, Olivia," Sheppard voiced, hands falling to her sides as a soft expression graced her face. "And I'm not the only one."

Sighing somewhat annoyed, Gray brushed some strands out of her face, "Gibbs is saying the same thing. Why can't you people see that I'm fine? If I weren't fine, Director Sheppard, then I wouldn't be here and doing my job. Would I? I'm fine, alright? Now can I please go back to work again?"

Sheppard exhaled almost feeling hopeless in this task of getting her agent to seek some help. 


Agent Gray nodded once before turning on her heels as she quickly left the office and practically rushed down the stairs, wanting nothing more than to just sit at her desk and immerse herself in paperwork. While rounding the stairs eagerly, she bumped into Gibbs - more precisely his coffee, which got spilled all over the floor.


"Try coffee, Gray. MY coffee, Agent Gray."

DiNozzo and even McGee duck their heads, feeling the headslap oh so vividly. Though Gibbs didn't headslap Agent Gray. He had never given her a headslap - yet. And this time he didn't either, however, he did glare at her. At first annoyed due to it being his life-elixir that got spilled but soon the anger subsided and as his azure eyes watched her intently, she could see the worry grow.

"I'm fine," she whispered, stubbornness returning to her just as quickly as it had evaporated just seconds ago. "I'll buy you a coffee right away, Agent Gibbs."

Gibbs noticed the shift in her attitude and grimaced when watching her move towards the elevator. Before the doors to the elevator opened, he acted quickly as he tossed the half empty plastic jug into the nearest bin and followed her. She had just entered the elevator and punched the number in when the doors were sliding close and he suddenly hopped in.

"Look, Gibbs, I know what kind of coffee you like, I can d-"

He stopped the elevator and stood close to her, his face mere inches from hers. The sudden change along the semi darkness of the elevator had Olivia's heartrate explode within her chest. Her mouth felt dry and she started to sweat.

"Agent Gray?"

Her breathing turned heavier and soon her fingers grasped onto his jacket.


She could see his mouth open and close but she couldn't hear him. Soon his face disappeared in a blurr.

"Liv?" His concern grew when he felt her grip tighten and her breathing was turning into panting. With one swift move he pressed her against him and held her close, his strong hands enveloping her shaking frame. "Shhh, Liv, I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to you," he whispered with a soft soothing tone, his lips pressed close to her ear.

It took quite awhile for her to finally recognize his voice but feeling his warmth, his strong protective hands along with his soothing voice, she eventually calmed down. Tears dripped onto the floor and she felt ashamed. Ashamed for seeming weak, especially to him.

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