Chapter 15 - Revelation

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Gibbs rushed into autopsy just as Ducky had send Palmer off to Abby with another sample.

"Time of death, Duck?"

"You are always in such a hurry, Jethro," the M.E. exclaimed, glancing at his old friend.

"Time is of the essence, Duck, you know that," Gibbs countered with a deep frown, glancing at the dead corpse on the autopsy table.

"It's always like that for you, dear friend," Ducky moved to the corpse but looked up at Gibbs, "even when it comes to your personal life."

Now it was Jethro who looked up to meet his friend's eyes, a grim expression formed in his face.

"Do not give me that look, Jethro. I'm just expressing my concern in what I'm witnessing, and hearing."

"There is nothing to tell nor see, Duck," Gibbs grumbled.

Ducky watched him closely, "So, you and Col. Mann are getting serious?"


"It's just a question, Jethro."

"I'm not going to answer that."

Raising a brow, the M.E. shook his head, "What about Olivia?"

Gibbs gritted his teeth, "What about her?"

Ducky turned to him and gave him a look, "You know what I mean. You got over her rather quickly."

Gibbs was done with this conversation and turned on his heels, "Call me when you get the results on that sample!"

Ducky watched him leave autopsy fast and sighed. "Well, if you and Col. Mann are happy then I won't comment on it anymore but between you and me, officer," Ducky leaned close to the dead corpse's ear, "I doubt they will last. I have a feeling that whenever Gibbs and Olivia are ready to speak to another, they will figure it all out. Who knows," Ducky grinned.

Just as Gibbs rushed out of the elevator, he collided with Olivia. His hands automatically went to hold her and she glanced up at him. His scent filled her nostrils and she swallowed, feeling how her body reacted to him being this close.

"Sorry," she muttered and stepped back, pushing some loose strands out of her face.

He had clenched his jaw and looked at her - he tried to look annoyed but she could see his eyes soften.


"I know," she interrupted him.

Their eyes were still locked as they stood in their spot by the elevator. Neither of them really knew what to say.

"Got any new leads?" Col. Mann was suddenly behind them, making both Gibbs and Olivia clear their throats and look away from each other.

"Still waiting on Ducky's results," Jethro quickly added, his gaze once in a while flickering over to his redheaded agent.

Olivia didn't look at them but instead abruptly moved back to her desk. She needed to get her feelings under control. She needed to forget him.

~ ~ ~

Another week went by and the Team got closer to a breakthrough.

Gibbs was in his basement, working on his boat when Hollis walked down the stairs.

He had been deep in thought when her footsteps had brought him back to reality, which had him sigh. The thought of Olivia had warmed his heart... No, he couldn't think of her, not anymore. Why was he still thinking of her? He was with Hollis now.

"I brought dinner," Hollis smiled and moved past him over to his workbench. She placed the bag on the table and scooted some tools, screws and sandpaper out of the way before she pulled out some Chinese takeout.

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