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A/N: I am deeply sorry for not having written more on this story but I ended in a writers block along with me having my 3rd child. Real life keeps me way too busy, and I haven't watched NCIS since I started this story. Therefore, I will put this story on pause until I have some muse for it again. I could just end it but I feel there is more to this but my mind and imagination isn't with me on this story right now. 

I'm currently occupied with another tv show (Because it showed in my TV, so I absentmindedly started watching it - and bam! I got hooked. SORRY!) 

So, my muse has sparked for the other show, and if I find some time between job, household and family then I will probably start up a new story. Though, I will as written above, not quit on this story. I honestly hope that when I start writing again, that it hopefully can spark some more ideas and whatnot so that I could continue here. 

Anyways, I hope you guys can accept my apology and hopefully when I start writing more chapters to this story, contniue to read along.



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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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