Chapter 14 - Dire Straits

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"How are you?" Ziva asked, reaching for her glass as they both enjoyed a quiet lunch.

Olivia sighed and chewed her food, thinking about the last two months. It was still weird between Gibbs and her but they could work together - they had to. The case was ruined after she had been rushed off to the ER but Shepard hadn't been mad. Instead, she had been concerned about Olivia.

"Take as much time off as you need, Agent Gray," Shepard voiced worried. She was standing by the side of her bed and watched her. Olivia nodded and drew in a breath, her mind being a complete mess.

"I don't want any special treatment, and I certainly don't want anyone to know the cause of my absence, Director," Olivia finally spoke with a small voice.

"Understood. Have you spoken to your boyfriend about your situation?"

Olivia had to swallow. At least she could count on DiNozzo and Ducky for keeping tight about Gibbs and her.

She felt the hand of the Director squeezing her foot gently. "I know it isn't my right to say this but I think he deserves to know?"

She met Shepard's eyes and drew in a breath, "He knows but we had parted before I even knew that I was pregnant or well, in this condition."

"I see. I'm sorry for your loss. Just know that you have friends that are here to help you, Olivia."

A small yet sad smile graced her lips, "Thank you, Director Shepard. I appreciate it."

"Liv?" Ziva's voice had her blink and return to reality.

"I'm...fine, Ziva," Olivia offered a small smile but her eyes told Ziva a different story.

Frowning, the Mossad Officer grumbled something before eating more. Olivia let it slide, knowing that her friend was just concerned for her.

~ ~ ~

"You will be under Agent Gibbs while you two work together in solving this case," Director Shepard addressed both Colonel Mann and Agent Gibbs. "Will there be a problem?" her eyes averted from Col. Mann to Gibbs, who smirked slightly.

"No problem at all, Director."

Silence filled the room before Shepard insinuated for them to leave.

Once outside the office and heading down the hall next to the MTAC sign, Hollis turned to Gibbs, "I'll see you later."

DiNozzo and McGee had watched the scene, and especially Tony didn't like what he witnessed. Had his boss already moved on? Well, not that Col. Mann wasn't hot - she definitely was but DiNozzo had a sweet redhead in mind that fit better to his boss.

"They are coming down," McGee nudged Tony and the two agents quickly returned to their tasks.

"Where the hell are David and Gray?" Gibbs questioned when he rounded the corner to his unit, noticing their absence.

"Still at lunch," McGee informed while typing newest information into his computer.

"Call them in," Gibbs ordered annoyed. He had somehow learned how to suppress his feelings for Olivia but they hadn't gone away. It was at work he could maintain a professional line which he had lacked when he had lost her, and he honestly hated himself for it. He missed her every single day. And it was stupid really because of how short their happiness had lasted. That had even been a record for him. Gibbs had accepted her request of leaving her alone but, oh how he had wanted to call her every single night since that fatal night.

"Agent Gibbs?" Col. Mann asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He looked to her and halfheartedly smiled, "Right. Team, meet our newest partner for the ongoing case," Gibbs instructed.

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