Chapter 20 - Agony

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DiNozzo glanced at the desk next to McGee. He had texted her several times but not gotten any response. Sure, she was most definitely mad but why wasn't she here? It had been over a week since the case had been solved and Col. Mann had been around to talk to the Director about the details. A frown played across his forehead and he was deep in thought when Ziva stepped into his view.

"Do you miss her?"

"Huh?" His frown deepened and he slowly turned to look up at her. "Who?"

Ziva rolled her eyes and pointed to Olivia's desk, "Olivia, genius."

"Pfff no? But I find it weird that she hasn't been in yet after she returned from Gitmo with Col. Mann. I haven't even met her at the hospital whenever I went to see Gibbs."

"Maybe she wants some time off?" Ziva suggested but started to feel slightly worried. Tony had a point. It wasn't like Olivia to not be in.

Tony didn't like this suggestion nor did he like that feeling that started to build within his stomach. Had he pushed her too far that she would leave NCIS?

He pulled out his phone and started typing.

'I'm sorry, Liv. Please believe me.'

Before he could type more, Director Shepard stood at the bottom of the staircase, "Listen up, people. We have a new case which has our full attention. I already send McGee, Dr. Mallard and Mr. Palmer to the crime scene but I want you two there as well."

Tony quickly pressed send and got to his feet, pulling out the drawer where his gun would lay and grabbed it. He proceeded to grab his coat and bag. "Where to, Director?"

"Bethesda. A young female Marine was killed," Shepard instructed.

Ziva and DiNozzo nodded and moved together over to the elevator.

~ ~ ~

Standing near her kitchen window with a hot cup of coffee, Olivia glanced to her phone when she received a text. Sighing, she reached over and took the device, reading the text.

Olivia knew that Tony had to follow orders but still, this had stung. Knowing that Gibbs could have been killed and that he withheld that information. That surely didn't sit well with her.

She ignored his text once again and instead headed over to the sink where she put down her mug. Her mind had been one giant mess ever since she got the news about Gibbs. And the most shattering news was that he still hadn't regained consciousness. Why wouldn't he wake up?

Olivia hadn't been to the hospital yet despite her having been back home for awhile now. Something had held her back. Was it the fear of seeing him bruised, hurt and unconscious? Or was it the nagging feeling of guilt? She couldn't deny that ever since she got the news about him, she felt guilty. If they hadn't started something in the first place then he would most likely have been more observant and would have been able to elude this attack. Therefore, he would have been well, most definitely grumpy and drinking coffee while barking out orders.

"Rule 12..." she mumbled and drew in a deep breath. Maybe this was the reason for his rules.

~ ~ ~

Evening arrived and as darkness fell upon the city, Olivia sat on the couch, trying to eat some dinner while there was some old western in the television. Her appetite, however, wasn't present just like her mind. Gibbs was all she could think of - like he had for weeks.

"This is stupid," she scolded herself and pushed herself up on her feet and quickly shut the TV before she headed for the door, grabbing her coat along the way.

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