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You were still at the hospital laying on the bed where you've been asking questions all day to yourself.

"Why I'm at the hospital? What were the devil hunters had to do with me in the first place?"

*Knocking on the door*

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Aki."

"Come on in."
You notice that he was holding a bento and some clothes.

"This is for you. After you're done eating you can change in these and then we'll go home together."

"To my home?"

"No, to my home."

"What?! (Is he perhaps a pervert?)"

"You don't know where your actual home is, so you gotta stay at my place for the moment."

"Don't worry, I can call my parents for th-"

"You don't know where they are and your phone is broken."

You said with a quite voice as you opened the bento, it's been a while since you hadn't had a decent meal while your stay at the hospital.

"Woah, this looks delicious! Are you sure I can have this?"

"Yeah, that's a bento I made this morning, I bet you've been starving. You can have it. I'm not hungry anyways."
After Aki finished to talk a sudden stomach growl came from him.

"Pfft, 'not hungry anyways'."
You laughed as seeing Aki's face turning red from the embarrassment.

"If you're hungry just say it, here we can share!
Say ahhh!"

"I'm not a ki-"
While Aki was talking you put the food in his mouth and found his expression very funny, then you took some from the bento with the chopsticks and eat it up yourself.

"Mmmhh! This tastes so good! If you can cook like this then I don't mind living with you~"

"Sigh..maybe you and Power might actually get along."

You said while having your mouth full.

"You're gonna be roomates with two other of your kinds."


"Makima will tell you everything when-"

"What is actually happening? Please I need to know."

"A devil...took over your corpse from an incident a few days ago."

"I see."
Finally you heard the truth but you felt so empty, you didn't know how to feel about it.
Now you understood why the Devil Hunters were doing at the hospital and the reason why you can't remember anything.

After that there we no talking between you two for a few minutes.

"Aki, what name would you give me?"
You said to break the awkward silence.

"Right, you don't remember."

You patiently wait for his answer, somehow excited to hear of how will he call you.


You both turn over and see outside the window that it was starting to pour.

I'm Not A Devil || Aki HayakawaWhere stories live. Discover now