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"Take care (y/n)!"
"See you tomorrow Mrs Suzuki!"

You just finished work and were heading outside the door of the book shop when you suddenly feel rain drops falling on top of your head.

"Ugh, I should've brought an umbrella. Hope I won't be late for the train."
You start to run towards the station without caring about the rain wetting you.


You arrive at the train station and luckily you were 15 minutes early before the train would've arrived, so you sit on a bench soaked from head to toe and wait.

But you had a strange feeling since you arrived at the station, you start looking around and notice that the place was empty.
There were no people around and you found it very unusual since it was always crowded at that hour.

"Is there a kind of festivity today or something?"
You were new to this city and so you convinced yourself that there was a festivity going on for the locals.

While you wait for the train you start thinking about your current situation, you recently moved away from your mother's house, started to live alone and got a job that you enjoy.
This is what you've been wishing for a long time.

You always think about your parents who got divorced and the fact that your mother kept blaming you for that and even when she started to get abusive towards you.
You couldn't handle that situation anymore.
That's one of the reasons you wanted to isolate yourself from everything.

"I wish I could turn back time when I was just a kid."
You were lost in your thoughts starring at the grey sky not minding anymore when the train would've arrived, you also start to think about how your life became more peaceful since you moved here.

Almost half an hour have passed and the train still didn't arrive, you look at your phone to check the time and notice something was off.

"Why is the train so late?"
You take your phone from your pocket to check the time and you notice that it never changed since you arrived at the station.

"It says 9:36 that's when I arrived here, is my phone broke?"
You got up and checked the time on the clock of the station, it also said 9:36 on it.

You were confused, so you decide to get up and start to look for someone to ask.

"There's literally no one..What is going on?"
You start to run around but there was no one to be found, so you give up and return on the bench still hoping for the train to arrive.
But then you noticed something on the other side of the train track. It was a kid.

"Where did this kid came from? Wait...what is she's trying to do?  This is not good."
You kept watching over the kid that was starting to cross the train track.

"Hey kid! What do you think you're doing?!That's dangerous!"
But the kid wasn't replying to you, instead she stood still in the middle of the train track starring at you.

"Is she's thinking of suicide?"
You start to look on both sides of the tracks to make sure there were no trains incoming then decide to walk towards her carefully crossing the train track. You didn't want the worst case to happen. After you got in the middle, you try to convince her to get out from there.

"Listen kid you better get back on top, you can't stay here! A train might come if you don't hurry up!"
You yelled hoping for her to understand the danger she was in.

As you were talking to the kid you notice that her form was changing. Her face and body started to resemble of an old lady, you also notice that her eyes had numbers on them as if they were clocks. You were startled of what you were witnessing, your body couldn't move.

"Hey you! Get away from there! She's a devil!"
You suddenly hear a voice of a guy who was running towards you, but it was too late for him to come for rescue.

As you heard that the old lady was a devil you knew you couldn't do anything to save yourself.
You felt hopeless.

"I-I don't wanna die now..."


"Fifteen minutes."
The old lady said while pointing her finger behind your back.

You turn over your head and see a train suddenly appear right behind you.

"Is end?"

I'm Not A Devil || Aki HayakawaWhere stories live. Discover now