Night Talk

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'Kill her. Before it's too late.'

"Who is it?! Who are you?!"
You kept hearing this old lady's voice through the night. That you couldn't sleep anymore.

"It must be another nightmare or even worst maybe I got sleep paralysis or something..I need a glass of water."
You start to get up from bed and carefully open the door trying not to wake up the others.

"It's so dark can't see anything, wish I could turn on the lights but Aki is sleeping.."
You said to yourself as you were tip toeing on your way to the kitchen.

"I gotta be quick."
You decide to go faster but then you felt something slippery on your foot.

"Oh sh-!"
You suddenly felt hands grabbing your waist from behind as you slipped.

"What are you doing?"
You hear a sleepy voice as the lights were being turned on.

"Sorry, if I woke you up.."
You said with an embarrassed voice as you were turning around and notice a guy with long black hair having an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"Don't worry, I wasn't sleeping. Did you need something?"

"Yeah, I was going to take a glass of water."

"I'll take it for you."
Aki started to head to the kitchen while you were waiting for him.

"I couldn't even recognize him with his hair down."
You said to yourself amazed by his beauty.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

"I'm just going to smoke on the balcony, if you ever feel hungry everything's on the fridge."

After drinking your glass of water you decide to come towards him.

"Can I join you?"
You asked while being behind the glass door of the balcony.

As you were stepping in you notice a mattress beneath you.

"Are you going to sleep here?"

"Not actually, I just wanted to stay comfy on the balcony since I couldn't sleep."

"Were you having a nightmare too?"

"Yeah, I think so."
He said as he lit his cigarette.

Both of you were staring at the empty streets feeling the breeze of the night, there were so many things you wanted to ask him.

"Aki, why the name Rain?"

"The first time I met you it was on a rainy day."

"Ohh for real? Is it a bad thing?"

"Not at all. Rain is actually a pretty name."
Hearing him saying this made you somehow happy.

"When I'll finally remember my name you're gonna be the first one that I'm gonna tell!"

"I'd be honored then."
Aki said while having a slight smile on his face.

"When did you start to work as a Devil Hunter?"

"Three years ago."

"Do you guys fight devils alone or-?"

"I used to have a buddy, but she recently passed away."

"I'm sorry to hear this.."

"A devil hunter's life can end in a second while doing this job."

"Then why are you doing this job?"

"Devils killed the people that I loved the most."
Aki's expression suddenly changed after talking about these topics, that you start to feel bad to have asked him.

"Sorry, if I kept asking.."

"You don't need to be sorry. It's alright."
He say as he smokes his cigarette.

It began to be quiet between you two and you wondered of how much he's been through.

How can he deal all of this? I wonder of  how he feels everytime when he's alone..

"Rain, you're gonna be my new buddy."

"What? For real??"
Your face suddenly changed expression as you heard what he said. You couldn't believe what he just said.

Are we gonna be partners for job?

"Since you became a fiend, us from the Public Safety must keep an eye on you and for that we must work together."

"But I'm not dangerous!"
After what Aki said you didn't feel like a  human anymore since you just got told that you've been watched out. You felt like you become something to be feared of.

"These are rules, I'm not the one to change them. Anyways we should go to sleep- huh??"

"What happened?"

"Did you close the balcony door?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, now we're locked out."

"Wait what?? Maybe we can ask Denji and Powe-"
You said with an embarrassment after knowing what you just did.

"They won't hear us from here."

What did I do?! Us?? Locked out here??

"Ahh..I'm so sorry, I didn't meant t-"

"Sigh..Don't worry, fortunately I brought the portable heater in here. Guess we're staying on the balcony for tonight."

"Are you sure?"

"We gotta wait till they wake up."


You and Aki start to lie down on the mattress and both of you were facing opposite sides, in such a situation you felt very embarrassed of yourself.

How could this happen right now? I'm feel so stupid.

A couple of minutes have passed but you weren't that sleepy yet.

"Aki, are you awake?"
You said while turning to his side.


"Am I a devil or a human?"

"I can't tell, but talking with you feels normal. Usually fiends tend to have an hatred feeling towards humans."

"Good to hear then."
Hearing that made you relieved because you knew you didn't have any bad intentions and that you still got your human side after all.

Did the devil actually took over my body when I died? I don't feel any hatred at all?

"If only I made it in time that day, you would have a normal life."

You remembered him saying something similiar when you met at the hospital, now you know that what he feels towards you is regret for not saving you. But you didn't want him to feel that way because it wasn't his fault at all.
You wanted to let him know this.

"I'm grateful that you tried to save me.
Thank you, Aki."

Your words made him relieved that he also decide to turn towards you but found you asleep. Now both of you were lying face to face.

"She's already asleep. Is she's trembling?"
Aki noticed that you were getting cold and started to put his arms around you that made his cheeks turn red.

"What am I doing...this should warm her up a bit. Goodnight, Rain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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