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You and Aki were still in the hospital room staring at the windows with heavy rain drops falling on them.

"We should get going by now, we'll take a taxi. I'll wait for you."

"Alright then, let me change first."
Aki was heading outside the hospital while you were putting the clothes that he gave you earlier.

"They are kinda large, but it should go for now!"
A black hoodie with a pair of baggy jeans and some white sneakers that was your outfit of the day.

"He seems like a good guy after all."
You thought to yourself.

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Aki's POV

My last cigarette left.
I'm gonna buy some more once we get near home.
Himeno why aren't you right here with your cigarettes whenever I run out of them?
It has been rainining for days-


"Oh there you go, hope you don't mind using my clothes for now. I would have lend you Power's but she'd kill me."

"Don't worry, I feel very comfortable in these."

"That's good. Mind if I smoke?"

"Go ahead."

Where's my lighter?
Damn it, did I drop it somewhere? It's not even in my pockets. Maybe I can ask to that guy on the other side of the road.

"Stay here."

"Where are you going?"

Whatever I'm just gonna run towards him even if I wet my suit.

"Aki?! Wait! Don't!"

That's a car coming towards here
What do I-

"Ten minutes!"

What did just happened?
Did she perhaps??

"So you can really bring back time.."

"Are you stupid?! Get up and come back here!!
What the hell were you trying to do?!
Do you wanna die?!"

"Thank you for saving me from a car accident..
I'll be more careful next time, sorry."

"You better!"

That scared me.
I could've really hurt myself in there, but thanks to her this didn't happen.
Now I know how her power works...

If that car was meant to hit me in the first place then what did Makima actually meant for 'fate'?

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After what happened you two start to wait for the taxi, but no one talked after what happened. You both felt awkward.

"It's here."
The taxi finally arrived and both of you start to get inside the vehicle when you suddenly hear a voice of an old lady in your head:

'Minus twenty minutes.'

"Eh?? Who was that??"

"Are you alright?
Hurry up we have to go."

You thought that maybe you were just having a headache, but still you found it really creepy hearing that.

Both of you were sat on the passenger seats while starring at the windows of the opposite sides, still no one talked it was quiet through all the drive to his place.

"We're near. Seems also those brats arrived."
Aki said while pointing his apartment.

You both start to get off from the taxi after Aki payed the driver.

"Follow me."
You were walking behind him feeling kinda anxious of getting to know other of your 'kinds', you also start to question about your true identity.
'Am I human or Devil?'

"If they start to bother you, just call me."
Aki then started to open the front door with the keys of his apartment.

"What do you mea-"
As soon as the door opened you see a blonde guy and a girl with horns standing in the hallway starring at you.

"Ehh?? So Aki was hooking up with girls all day? That's not fair!! And she's also pretty!!Uhh.."
The blonde guy said while observing you.

"Shut up you pervert, I wasn't doing anything like that. She's gonna be our new roommate, she's also a devilman."

"What's her name?"
The girl with horns asked while coming really close to you.

You said.

"Nice to meet ya Rain! Wanna fight and see who's the strongest between us??"
She said with excitement while grabbing your hands.

"You guys please don't scare her, anyways these two are Denji and Power.
He's a human but can turn into a Devil whenever he wants, while she is the Blood Devilman."

"What kind of devil is Rain?"
Denji asked.

"Time Devil."
Aki said while giving you a look in the eyes as if he didn't wanted to say that right in front of you.

"Ohh?? That's cool!"
Denji and Power exclaimed.

"So that's why I was able to save you back then."


"Glad that I did it then."
You smiled as Aki's expression became calmer.

"Ehm..anyways let's go inside."

"Aki how are we gonna share the rooms?"
Denji interrupted.

"You and Power can share one room, Rain's gonna stay in my room while I'll sleep on the living room for the moment."

"Huh?? But I don't wanna share the room with Power!"

"Do as I say, I'm going to explain everything to you guys tomorrow at work. Anyways I'm going to get ready to sleep.

"Not fair!"
Power said with a sulky face.

"You better not prank me while I'm asleep, you dumbass!"
Denji said to Power while they were heading to their room screaming to each other.

You found them funny to be around with and felt that you can trust them.

"Here's my room."
Aki said while opening the door of his bedroom.

"Thank you, for the hospitality."
You said before entering to his room.

"No problem. Have a nice sleep."

I'm Not A Devil || Aki HayakawaWhere stories live. Discover now