Time Devil

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"We're back home!"
"Mama! Papa! I've missed y-"

You suddenly wake up from the dream with tears falling from your eyes and find yourself on a bed hospital surrounded by people with black suits. You've been in a coma for two days.

"Huhh?? Is there a funeral?"
You said while drying your tears. You don't remember anything about what happened last time, your memories were faded.

A girl then starts to approach you and sit on the bed beside you giving you a head pat.

"Do you feel better now?"

You said shyly.

"I'm Makima from the Public Safety Devil Hunters, what's your name?"

"My name is-"
You stopped in the middle of the sentence, because you couldn't remember your name at all. Nothing was coming out from your mouth.

"I can't remember my name."

"I see."
Makima said while giving you a slight smile.

"Do you remember where's your home?"

"I live with my parents."

"Where are they now?"

"I don't know."
The only thing left in your memories was when you used to live with your family back then in your old town.

"I think you should take more rest, we'll check up on you later."
Makima said as she walked out the door with the other devil hunters behind her.

"See you-"
You notice that the last guy to exit from the door suddenly stops and walks towards you.

"Ehm..? Do you need something sir?"
The guy's expression seemed devastated as he was starring at you.

"Sir, are you alright?"
The guy then began to kneel down in front of you while looking down on the floor.


"I'm sorry."
He said with a quiet voice.


"It's my fault. I couldn't save you."

"Save me? From what?"
The guy started to get up from his knees and look at you with sad eyes.

"You'll know soon."
He said while heading towards the door.

"W-wait! May I know your name?"


You wished you could introduce yourself too, but it wasn't possible for you in that moment.

"See you, Aki."
You thought that he was just a weirdo but start to overthink about what he said, so many questions were flooding into your head.

"I should probably go wash my face, this might be just a dream."
You start get up and go towards the sink, but as soon as you look yourself in the mirror you notice that your left eye had numbers on it, like a clock.

"What is this? What happened to me?!"

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Makima's POV

She just turned out like Power, but I need to be careful around her.
I don't know when she'll activate her powers.
It's certain that the devil took over the girl's corpse from that incident at the train station. From my knowledge her potentials might be useful for the Public Safety and...


"Oh Aki-kun it's you, where have you been?"

"I was just taking a walk-"

"I'd like to ask you a favor."

"What is about?"

"I want you to take care of her."

"What? How?"

"She'll be your new buddy. Can she stay at your place for the moment?"

"Listen Makima-san, we don't know her intentions yet. She might even kill us today.
I don't even know if I still have space in my apartment and if she'll even get along with those two brats."

"Don't need to worry about it, she showed earlier that she has still her human brain as you saw. I'm gonna put her in the special division 4. That's my decision."

"How are we gonna explain to her?"

"That's why I'm relying on you for this.
During the mission no one has told you guys what kind of devil it was that day at the station. You were just told to make sure everyone evacuated from that area at that moment."

"I know this, but what is she really?

"The Time Devil."


"She has the ability to move time back and forth whenever she wants. Take it as if it's like time traveling."

"How do you know?"

"I did my research."

"Can she change the past? And if so can she bring back people to life?"

"The Time Devil took over a human body which means it got weaker. She can't fully use her ability and cannot entirely change a future that it's made sure to happen."

"What do you actually mean?"

"Take for example the fate of a character in a book. "


"In the book it is all written about what will happen to the character already. You can only flip pages back and forth since you're the reader. You can't change it's fate."

"Isn't it kinda useless?"

"We still don't know, that's why we need to make an experiment with her and see what will happen."

I'm Not A Devil || Aki HayakawaWhere stories live. Discover now