Chapter Five

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I began to shiver as Professor McGonagall and I slowly walked up to the headmasters office. I had eaten with the Gryffindors as I had not been placed, and that is what I have to see Dumbledore about now. " Sherbet Lemon," Professor McGonagall says to a stone statue. I watch as the statue slowly turns creating steps that I began to walk up. At the top of the steps is a old wooden door. I knock on it three times.

" Come in," I hear from the other side of the door. I slowly open it and step into the room. Its just like I would have imagined it. Stone walls, Gryffindor red carpets, portraits of old headmasters lining the walls and incredible trinkets cluttering the room. On a golden perch sits a beautiful yellow and red Phoenix. The phoenix spreads its magnificent wings and flies over and perches itself on my shoulder. " I see you met Fawks," Dumbledore says from behind his desk.

" Yes sir, he is beautiful," I say to him. " Professor, what am I going to do? I wasn't sorted," I say.

" Ahh, yes, that is what I wanted to talk to you about Princess," He says. Why do people keep calling me that? Centralie explained it to me but its getting on my nerves. " You see Princess, you are Mr Potters Guardian. The night your parents were killed you created a protecting charm. You can perform wandless magic, like in the orphanage and you control the wand of the founders. Throughout out your time here you will establish more powers that are required to be a guardian angel. Your brother doesn't have a easy future ahead of him, and he will need your help. As for your faction, I shall place you in Gryffindor. After talking to the sorting hat I believe that it is the best house for you, and so you can keep and eye on you brother. As for the animagus issue, speak to Professor McGonagall after transfiguration tomorrow." Wow thats a lot to take in, how did he know that I'm an animagus and if I am a guardian then why do I get called Princess???? Its annoying.

I get up and began to walk out to the door. " Oh and Miss Potter, good luck, you'll need it," he said before leaning over what I recognise as a pensive. I follow Professor McGonagall back to the Gryffindor common room where my stuff is waiting for me in my dorm. I walk over to my trunk. Its pitch black in the room.

" Lumos," I said and a bright light sprouted from the end of my wand. I walk over and get some pyjamas out of my trunk. I get changed and hop into bed. " Nox," I whisper before falling asleep.

I wake to Hermione shaking me. "Good morning Hermione," I say before climbing out of bed and getting dressed in my robes. I get my wand and put it in my pocket. " Centralie," I say in pastletounge.

" Yesss Princesss," he replies.

" If I'm Harrys guardian then why do I have you?"I question.

"I am here to guide you Princesss, until you are ready," he replies. I walk over to the mirror.

I whisper " Cendaina,". My hair turns Platinum blonde and straight. Its still waist length. Ive always wanted blonde hair, I thought it was pretty, so I created this spell, it only helps with hair though. The best part it that it doesn't wear off. Hermione just watched in awe.

" How did you do that, and what spell was that?" She gushed.

" What do you mean?" I reply.

" You just said some words and it happened, you didn't even use your wand," Hermione said back.

" Oh, I can do wandless magic, and its a spell I made myself," I replied.

" Here, do you want me to do your hair?" I said. She nodded her head.

"So what do you want your hair to look like? I can change the colour length, anything" I say. " Can you just make my hair long, straight and glossy please" she said. I dont think I would have changed it much anyway, her hair colour looks nice as it is.

" Cendaina, " I said once again and her short, dry, frizzy light brown hair became long, straight and glossy.

" Thank you soooo much!" she exclaimed standing up.

" No problem, lets go to breakfast," I say as we began walking out of the room.

We arrive down at the great hall and I spot Harry and Ron eating breakfast. I walk up and sit next to Harry and Hermione sits next to Ron on the other side of the table. " Good morning Harry, Ron, " I say.

" Who are you?" Harry says. Hermione and I start laughing.

" Geez, I would think that my twin would recognise me," I said in mock sadness, placing my hands over my heart.

" You, are not London," he said.

" Yes I am, and if you don't believe me ask me anything"

" OK then, what happened before we entered our vault at gringotts?" He asked raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

" You puked over the side of the tracks and then drank all of my water," I said. " Itsssss True" Centralie said, slithering his way up and around my neck.

" It is you," Harry exclaimed.

" Duh, thats what I told you, I just used a spell to change the colour of my hair, I think it looks good like this. I wouldnt dare change my eye colour though, thats the only thing that makes me look like mum" I conclude. " Centralie, is their anyway you could change form, I think your scaring some people?" I ask him.

" Of course Princesss, I'll change into earings so you can still hear me" he says before vanishing. I feel a slight pinch in both my ears before I'm given my timetable and head of to class.

AN: Sorry it's short

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