Chapter Six: Cool I can Fly

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Hermione and I walked down the corridor towards potions. My timetable says I have it with a guy named Professor Snape. From what I've heard from Fred and George, he's a downright git, and only likes the Slytherins.

We open the door and take our seats. Hermione and I sit next to each other in the second row. I hear a loud bang from the back of the class. " There with be no foolish wand waving and silly incantations in this class. I do not expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making, but, for those select few who posses the pre disposition, I can teach you to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you are confident enough to not. pay . attention. The potters, our new celebrities. Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of ashohedel to an infusion of wormwood?"

" Sir, you would get a sleeping potion so powerful it would be know as the draught of the living dead," I replied.

" Hmmm, tell me, Mr Potter, where would you look it I asked you to find me a bezoar?" He said smirking, knowing that this is 5th year potions content. Luckily for Harry, I made him read some of his textbooks. I've read every book I can get my hand on so I'm very advanced but Harry should at least know the answer to this question.

" A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat I think, I pretty sure it will save you from most poisons won't it," Harry responded with his finger in his lip, to show that he's thinking.

" And what is the difference between Monkswood and wolfsbane?" Ouch, now he's bringing out the big guns. That's 7th year stuff, even Hermione doesn't know the answer, but I do, I don't know how, I just do.

" Monkswood and wolfsbane are the same plant, it also goes by the name of aconite,"I say. Snape tries to hide the look of surprise on his face. I just answered 7th year stuff, no first years should even have access to that kind of information, but I knew it. Come to think of it, I actually know a lot, especially spells, it's all here, in my head.

After that, Professor Snape got us making a basic potion called the forgetfulness potion. The bottom of Nevels cauldron burned off and the potion spilled all over the floor. It started burning wholes in everything and professor Snape had to clean it up. When he finally made his way around to my cauldron he was surprised to see it empty and clean as well as put away tidily like the rest of my supplies. "Here you go sir" I say happily, handing him a vial of my potion.

"Very good Miss Potter, five points to Gryffindor," he said like it was acid, burning his tongue. Everyone in the class had all stopped working and was staring at me.

"Snape never give points to Gryffindors" I hear Dean Thomas whisper to Seamus. The thing is, I didn't even open my textbook, but I knew how to make the potion.

" Shut your mouths. Maybe if you were smart like Miss Potter you would be finished by now" he said with a glare.

The bell went and we headed from the dungeons to the transfiguration class room. When Mione and I got there, we were the only people. "Hello Professor," I say sitting down. Hermione looks confused.

" London, there's no one here," she says.

" Sure there is, Professor McGonagall is an animagus, that cat right there is her," I say pointing to the small tabby cat on the jarra desk in the middle of the room. Professor McGonagall jumps off the desk and transfigures in mid air.

" How did you know that Miss Potter?" She says, Hermione is frozen in the spot.

" Call it an instinct Professor, may Harry and I speak to you after class?" I question.

" Yes of course Miss Potter, whatever you need. Those are beautiful earrings by the way," she says admiring my small diamond flower earrings with a ruby centre.

The rest of the class fills out. " Can you please read through and take notes on chapter one of your textbook to begin with," as I begin, I notice that Harry and Ron aren't here. As if in que, the door slams open and Harry and Ron come running into the room.

" Few, we made it. Could you imagine the look on old McGonagalls face if we were late?" Ron says out of breath. Professor McGonagall of course had heard all of this and transfigured back, walking over to them. "That was bloody brilliant," Ron says in awe.

" Thank You Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would do well to transfigure yourself and Mr Potter into a pocket watch, that way one of you might be on time?" She said.

"We got lost," Harry replied, finally growing some balls and finding his voice.

"Then perhaps a map, I trust you don't need one to find your seats," she says. "Ok, work books away. Can you please take out your wands. This is the spell for transfiguring the needles in front of you into a matchsticks, you may begin," I didn't even look at the board. I didn't even take out my wand. I didn't even say anything and it just happened. The matchstick transformed. I just thought about it. "Professor I'm finished," I said calmly with my hand in the air. No one had even got their wands out yet. This is strange, I should speak to Professor Dumbledore about this. Professor McGonagall came around and inspected it.

"You have too. She's done it. But I didn't even hear you say anything, and where's you wand" she stated.

"Professor, may I try something?" I questioned. She nodded her head. I walked up to the front of the room and cleared my head. I thought of what I wanted to happen and pointed my hand. Seconds later a pig stood in the place of the teachers desk. The students and even the teacher looked on in awe. The pig started to grunt and run away. "Oh no you don't. Pertrificus Totalus!" I shout. The pig turns a light shade of blue, freezes and drops to the floor. I point my hand at the now frozen pig, levitate it over to where it's supposed to go, before turning it back into a desk. I brush my hands together and spin around to face the class. Every single one of their jaws were on the ground, Professor McGonagalls more so. The bell rang signialing the end of class and Harry and I made our way up to the front of the room.

" What can I help you with?"

"Well Professor, Harry and I have been notified that we are both animagus but we don't know how to transform, and we don't know what type of animal we are," I conclude.

"So you want my help to transform?" She summed up.

" Yes please," we said together.

" This is so exciting, first time shifters. Ok, so what you need to do first is to imagine yourself in a black tunnel with a light at the end. Then invision your front half stretching forward so that your front half goes into the light and your bottom half stays where it is, open your eyes" I opened my eyes and was completely gobsmacked. First of all, I was shorter. Not by much though. I looked next to me and saw Harry, or what I thought was Harry. In his place stood a magnificent tiger standing at about 5' at least. I was the same size as him. I look down and see white and black striped paws. Oh My God. I'm a white tiger.

We were with McGonagall the whole of recess. The bell rang and we headed out to the Quidditch fields. There were two lines of broomsticks. The Gryffindors lined up on one side and the Slytherins lined up on the other. "Good morning class, I'm Madame Hootch. Well what are you waiting for, stand next to your broom put your left hand over it and say up," we did as she said.

" Up," I said clearly. My broom came flying into my hand. "Cool," I said. Once everyone had their broom in their hand Madame Hootch told us to mount it and grip it tight. We were to push of the ground, hover for a bit and then touch back down. Unfortunately, Neville didn't get the memo and his broom went flying everywhere. Before I knew it I had lifted of the ground and was soaring through the sky towards him. What was I supposed to do, I couldn't just leave him. He fell from his broom and got stuck on a hook attached to the wall. I flew over and helped him onto my broom. My broom wasn't strong enough to hold two people.

"Neville, I'm going to jump, you take to broom down to the ground," I said. I swiftly jumped from the broom before Neville could protest. The interesting thing was, I wasn't falling. I was just floating in mid air. I looked behind me and was shocked to find astonishing white wings moving themselves gracefully backwards and forwards. Each wing was pure white and about three times the size of me. My life is about to get interesting.

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