Chapter Eight: The first Prank

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The wind blew harshly against my skin as Harry and I made our way down towards the quidditch pitch. Harry made the team as a seeker, and I made it as a chaser. Our first training was tonight. Turns out, I'm not allowed to use my wings during the game, I have to ride a broom. Go figure.

" Ah, you're here!" Oliver Wood, the captain of the quidditch team exclaimed as we walked closer. Harry still didn't know how to play, but thanks to my unlimited amount of knowledge, I do. I can play like a pro having all of the top level manoeuvres in my head already. 

" Let's get started," Oliver said as we stopped in front of him. " Do either of you know how to play?" He questioned.

" I do," I said. How? I hear Harry's voice in my head. I have knowledge in my head. I don't have to learn anything, I just ask myself the question and it's there. I respond.

" Ok, how about you do some practice laps to warm up while I teach your brother how to play?" he questioned. I nodded and got onto my broom, starting  to circle the pitch. This is so exciting. I love quidditch. When my parents were alive, I remember flying around on a little toy broom Uncle Sirius had bought Harry and I. We were laughing and smiling the entire time as our parents watched us with disapproving eyes. They thought it was a bit dangerous to be riding a broom when you're less then a year old, but then Dads' marauder side broke out and he wanted a turn on the miniature toy broom.

After a couple of laps, one forwards, one backwards , one upside down and the last standing on the broom, I make my way down to the ground. Oliver Wood looks at me in awe.

" How did you do that? Not even some of the most experienced players can do that!" I just shrug in response.

 " Ok, well, I'm going to let the snitch go. After three minutes, I want you to catch it Harry, then release it, wait and then catch it again. Got it?" Harry nods before turning away to watch the snitch that Oliver just released. " You, London, are going to be trying to throw the quaffle through the hoops that I will be guarding. Ok?" I nod my head before shooting directly upwards towards the rings. Oliver throws me the quaffle. Going back about a hundred meters, I fly full speed towards the rings. Instead of stopping like I normally would, I charge right at Oliver. He rapidly ducks so I don't crash into him whilst I expertly halt my broom. I'm less than a meter from the rings. I sit there for a second before throwing it through the first one. Score!

" I have never seen anyone use that approach before," he said in praise.

" Thanks, I just came up with it," I said back. After and hour or so more of general training                ( Mainly resulting in me getting every shot in! Don't tell Oliver I said that, he told me not to tell anyone he was beaten by a girl) Harry and I headed up to the common room exhausted.

" I'm dead," I said, flopping on the couch.

" Me too," he said, flopping next to me.

" I'm happy here Harry, I don't think I ever want to leave. You know what we should do? We should prank someone!" I said, a sneaky grin coming on my face. Harry just looks worried before hesitantly agreeing. Shy little wall flower, we'll have to change that.

" Let's turn into tigers and scare Ron!" I burst out after pondering what we should do for a while. 

"C'mon," I yell before dragging him by his hand up the stairs. We stop in front of the first year boys dorms. I twist the handle on the door so it's slightly ajar, enough so I can push it open with my head. I change into my majestic white tiger, closely followed by Harry who turns into his tiger. I push huge the door open. Goodie, Ron's in here alone. I quietly creep up around him with Harry following. On three, we will both start roaring as loud as we can I say. Ok, got it Harry responds. One, two, three.

" RRRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We let out at the same time. Ron is hanging from the roof. I let out a cat like grin. We got him so good.

Fred and George run into the room. I transform back, Harry following me. I burst out laughing while Harry just looks guilty. They take a second to survey the situation before bursting out laughing with me. Harry looks surprised.

" You got him good, he looks like he's about to wet his pants," Fred says to us after staring at a grumpy looking Ron.

" They did not! They just got me by surprise, that's all," he said. That is so not what happened.

" Sure, sure," I said smiling.

" Want to help us plan some pranks?" The twins ask us at the same time.

" What, why do they get asked to help you! I begged you to let me help you all summer and you  said no!" Ron exclaimed turning from green to red.

" Hey look guys, Rons changing colour. Are you a metamorphagus or just a rainbow redhead?" I question jokingly. He starts to turn purple.

" I'm sure Harry and I would love to help you, but maybe not right now. See you in the morning everyone, I'm going to bed," I said, moving towards the door.

" Night," everyone chorused.

As I lay in bed that night, drifting off to sleep, I couldn't help thinking of my past, my parents, and how they went to Hogwarts, how this was their school before it was mine. This was their home, my mum would have slept in this very room, possibly on this very bed. It's a nice thought. It brings me closer to them. Before my mind could wonder much further, I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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