Chapter Seven: Harry Finds Out

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Harry followed behind me silently as I briskly walked down to Professor Dumbledores office. I needed to speak to him desperately.

My wings had tucked themselves away after I landed, turns out all you have to do is think about them disappearing. Harry is coming with me because he's worried. He doesn't understand what I am, and quite frankly, I'm not sure how to tell him. What am I supposed to say? ' Hey Harry, I'm your guardian, I have wings, I am smarter then all of our teachers combined, I have a pet snake that turned itself into a pretty pair of earrings and everyone calls me princess for no apparent reason' yea, I don't think that will go down to well. I just hope Dumbledore will find a way to tell Harry without getting him scared, worried, or mad that I didn't tell him beforehand.

I round the corner and stand in front of a statue of a Phoenix. Harry just has a confused look on his face. I forgot he hasn't been to the head masters office before. " Sherbet Lemon," I speak clearly. A tile on the floor lifts it self up and begins turning, pulling others with it to create a spiral staircase. Harry's face displays a mixture between awe and complete and utter confusion. I hop on a step while it's still moving. "Come on Harry," I call. He appears to be frozen on the spot. He slowly unfreezes and climbs onto the now stationary stairs before walking up to join me. I knock on the headmasters door three times before he answers with a "Come in," Harry and I walk in and sit on two maroon and gold ornate chairs that I conjured up.

"What can I do for you Miss and Mr Potter?" Dumbledore says in his old yet comforting voice.

"Sir, something quite peculiar happened today during my flying lessons. I had two large white wings sprout from my back. Do you think it's one of my powers sir?" I say whilst Harry's face clearly displays confusion.

"Ahhh yes, I heard about that Miss Potter. Everyone has been talking about it. 'Not only did you both make the house Quidditch team as two of the youngest players in a century, but you saved Neville Longbottom and burst out wings' I seem to recall a fourth year student saying. You both are quite the talk of the school," He said.

"What do you mean that it's one of your powers?" Harry asked me. I just gave a desperate look to Dumbledore who seemed to understand what I was saying.

"Mr Potter, it's my fault you hadn't heard about this sooner. You see I told your sister to keep it a secret. London is a Guardian. It is her job to protect you Harry. She has wings, powers and incredible knowledge because of this. These things are needed to protect you," Harry looked gobsmacked. Just when I was about to ask if he was ok, he snapped out of his trance and rushed over to hug me.

" I get it now, but I don't want you to have to risk your life for me," he said.

"It's ok Harry it's my job, I have to even if you tried to stop me you wouldn't  be able to," I said. I pulled away from him and turned to Dumbledore who had been looking on at us happily.

" Sir, I have one question. Why do people keep calling me Princess if I'm a Guardian?" I question, I've been thinking about it a lot and I just needed to know.

"Ahhhh, I knew you would ask me that soon Miss Potter. It's because you are the Princess. The lost Princess for that matter. It's not something that gets passed down through your blood, you get chosen. Your brother is the chosen one, but calling you the Princess is just a way of saying that you are special. That you are very significant for our future. Without you, we wouldn't have a future. Because of this, I will be giving you extra lessons after classes everyday. In time I will explain everything in more detail, but that isn't important at the moment, you two should go down to the great hall, your friends are looking for you," he said. Harry and I turned around and walked out of his office.

Slowly we began walking down to the great hall. Silence fell over us. " I think we should hang out later, a sibling thing," he says.

" Of course Harry, sounds good," I reply. Harry and I haven't spent time together alone in ages. As we walked into the great hall all talking silenced. No doubt that everyone knows that I have wings.

"Alright everyone back to your knitting," Fred and George say in unison as they come up behind us. "Congratulations on making the team Potters, Wood just told us," they says once again in unison. That's right, we made the quidditch team.

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