Chapter Two: Professor Dumbledore

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             I look up when I hear a loud crack, followed by the appearance of a old, gandalf looking man wearing long, floor length purple robes. " Who are you??" I ask, confused. When I woke up yesterday morning I never would have believed someone if they told me that  I have a brother, a twin brother, I'm a witch and a old dude just magicked himself in front of me.

            " Hello, London. My name is Professor Dumbledore, and I am the headmaster at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." I just sat there with my mouth wide open in surprise.

           " Why are you here??" I question.

           " I have come to take you to Hogwarts" he replies calmly. I was in shock. Me, to Hogwarts. It all seemed a bit surreal. Besides, it was the 31st of July, school doesn't start for another month.

          20 minutes later I had gathered a few of my most precious belongings and was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. " Where are you going?" Ashley comes out of her room.

          " None of your business," I reply hotly. " You know, I don't think I gave you your birthday present," I say. I pull back my fist before swinging forward and hitting her square in the jaw.           "Sorry it's a couple of months late," I say before turning around, smirking.

           " Take my arm," Dumbledore says, a small smile on his face after witnessing my amazingness. I took his arm and we began to spin.  As soon as it started it finished.

            " Where are we??" I asked curiously, looking around. We were in a deserted street, on our left is a black pub named 'The leaky cauldron' and on the right were other recognisable shops. People were walking past 'The leaky cauldron as if it wasn't there.

              " We're in London," Dumbledore replied, walking me towards the pub.

               It was dark inside the pub. There were only a few people inside as it was past midnight. It was understandable. Most people have lives so it was only the lonely drunkards that were still lingering. On my right was a fire and on my left was the bar. There was a row of tables down the middle and some couches at the end. " Ahh, what can I get you Dumbledore?" The man behind the bar says.

             " Nothing today Tom, young Miss Potter here needs to get her school supplies," Dumbledore says.

             " Well bless my soul, it's London Potter," at the sound of that every witch or wizard left in the pub turned and looked at me. Surely they have been told that it is rude to stare.

             " Welcome back Miss Potter, welcome back," some random stranger says, like I went somewhere in the first place.

             " I wasn't aware I went anywhere, but thank you," I said. The man chuckled before passing out on the floor. Wow, killing this Voldemort person must have been a really big deal. After about 10 minutes of people congratulating me and telling me how their so excited to meet me, Dumbledore and I walk out the back into a small room with brick walls and a few trash cans. Dumbledore pulls out what I think is a wand and starts tapping random bricks with it. The bricks start to part creating a archway.

             " Welcome Princess, to Diagon Ally," he exclaims before leading me into a bright alleyway. Strange, I could swear it was the middle of the night. And Princess, really? I'm all for nick names, really, but Princess doesn't sound remotely like London.

              It wasn't used in the way of, 'your daddy's little princess,' it was like a respectful thing. Looking out in front of me, I admire the pure beauty of this place. Vibrant shops filled to the brim with exited witches and wizards, buying all kinds of things. From broomsticks to cloaks to wands to pets, this place is truly amazing. " Dumbledore how am I to pay for all this, I haven't any money?" I ask, looking I've my list again.

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